Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
March 12th, 2024
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 12:14 p.m. Meeting was held at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Harrison, Carl Francis, Bill Hawkins, and Dan Stanley.
Representing staff – Office Support Clerk (OSC) Amber Madison, Executive Director (ED) Lisa McCool-Rataczak, Deputy Director (DD) Brandon McClintock, and Systems Manager (SM) Steven Williams.
Representing Public – Ty Parks with the news media.
Review and Action of Meeting Minutes
Open Meeting minutes for February 6th, 2024, were reviewed.
Director Francis motioned to approve the open meeting minutes for February 6th, 2024. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No comment.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The report was not read aloud during the meeting.
The sales tax deposit for February was received on March 8th, 2024, in the amount of $439,369.92. We have not received the sales tax check for March.
Total bills submitted for approval today are $122,309.01.
The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $20,956.95.
Accounts receivable balance: $0.00.
The Money Market account balance is $150,000.00.
The Sweep Account balance is: $7,793,360.03.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Hawkins seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Committee Reports
No discussion
Executive Director and Department Status Report
ED Lisa Rataczak advised the Board that we will need to make changes to the Southwest Missouri Bank Visa card. Amber advised the Board that SMB will no longer allow us to have the same card number for all of our cards. We will need to have separate cards with separate reconciliation reports. The Board agreed that this would be fine and understood why the bank needs to do this. Lisa advised the Board that the WEX fuel card is up and running smoothly.
Deputy Director Report
DD McClintock advised the Board that three full-time employees have resigned, and two will remain part-time employees. We hired two full-time employees on February 19th. We are still accepting applications and will be starting a new class in April. DD McClintock also advised that we have one employee out on medical leave. DD McClintock advised the Board that the call volume for February 2024 is at 10,358 total calls, it has increased by 7.34% from February 2023. Brandon advised the Board that he has put a survey out to employees that covers morale and staffing.
Systems Manager Report
SM Williams advised the Board that we have disconnected the VPN from JCSO due to a cyber-attack at the Sheriff’s Office. As soon as we were advised of the cyber-attack, we disconnected the VPN and had IP Pathways perform a sweep of our network. Nothing was found and the security awareness was increased in FortiEDR. SM Williams advised the Board that Webb City PD currently has a terminal server that is located at JASCO for CAD that is up for renewal. Carthage PD also has a terminal server at JASCO, and CJPD would also need to have a terminal when they are consolidated. Steven stated that since the current Webb City PD terminal server is up for replacement, Chief Melton has offered to cost share with Carthage PD, Carl Junction PD, and JASCO to replace the current terminal server with a new one that would allow for 10 virtual machines. This would allow for JASCO to power, maintenance, and monitor one piece of equipment compared to four. An initial quote from IP Pathways was $20,000.00.
Unfinished Business
Countywide Public Safety Radio System –
MOU TRS, MOSWIN, and Joplin
SM Williams advised the Board that the MOU between Joplin and JASCO is ready for signature.
Highway 43 Site
SM Williams advised the Board that the electric for the 43-highway site went up to $36,435.15. Williams advised the Board that we are getting quotes for culvers.
Director Francis motioned to approve the electrical work with the increase for 43-highway site. Director Hawkins seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Sarcoxie Tower Site Entrance/Access
SM Williams advised that Liberty Utilities is ready to start the work at the Sarcoxie site, and a check for $18,571.35 is ready to be signed. Williams also advised the Board that a tree trimming company Wood Chucker’s has completed the tree clearing at the Sarcoxie site for $1,100.00
MSHP Tower Survey
SM Williams stated that the MSHP tower is complete, and that they have been speaking to different
companies about fiber and completing surveys for fiber. We are going to be using M&J Survey. Williams
advised the Board that we are trying to get the jail tower site building out to JASCO. Zeb Carney with the
City of Carthage Public Works Dept. stated that if the JASCO Board made a formal request that they
would move the building for us free of charge. The Board discussed this and advised for Lisa to complete
a letter of request and to send it to Zeb.
SM Williams advised the Board the METS has requested to replace 17 radios on their side to dual band
radios. METS contacted DD McClintock to inquire if the radio order had been placed. METS was
deployed to Kansas City for the shooting during the Chiefs parade and they were unable to
communicate due to the towers between Nevada, MO and Kansas City, MO being VHF. METS Chief
Jason Smith requested if we could change 17 of their mobile radios to Dual Band APX 8500’s./ This will
be an increase of approximately $38,714.73. METS Chief Jason Smith also stated during the call that he
would be willing to cover that cost, however, that will be at the discretion of the JCESB. The Board
discussed this and advised that the Board would pay for half of the upgrade for the 17 radios that they
are requesting.
Director Stanley motioned to pay ½ of METS 17 Dual Band APX 8500’s. Director Francis seconded the
motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Change Order – MSHP Tower
The Board accepted the change order as presented.
Director Francis motioned accept the change order to the Motorola Contract. Director Stanley
seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Overtime Compensation
Office Support Clerk Madison advised the Board that nothing has changed, and there is no cause for any
concern of mistreating the temporary policy. Amber advised the Board that we should see a decrease in
extra overtime because of the move to 48 48 work weeks. The Board approved continuing the overtime
compensation policy.
Carl Junction Police Department Consolidation
ED Lisa Rataczak advised the Board that Carl Junction is just waiting on Netmotion licenses and we
should go live before May.
Server Room Back-up HVAC
DD McClintock advised the Board that two units are being installed in the server room. They will be the
primary source of heat/air until the new HVAC system for the building can be installed. At that time they
will be used as backup. Cost should be $21,900 for HVAC and $1,700.00 for electricity.
Property Fence
SM Williams advised that M&W Fence will be starting installation of the property and trash fence next
New Business
JCSO NetMotion Licenses
ED Rataczak advised the Board that we will be paying for JCSO netmotion licenses for 14 months instead
of the normal 12 months.
The Board approved for the budget amendment for Netmotion licenses to be amended at the end of the
budget year.
HVAC Replacement Proposals
Director Francis advised that the Board did not need to go into closed session to discuss the HVAC bids.
DD McClintock went over each companies bids with the Board. The Board discussed each bid and
advised to go with Satterlee Heating and Air.
Director Francis motioned to accept the HVAC bid from Satterlee Heating and Air as presented.
Director Hawkins seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The meeting ended at 12:59pm. (no motion to end needed)
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2024
I, James Harrison, Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency
Services Board Meeting Minutes for March 12th 2024. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2024.
I, Dan Stanley, Secretary __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services
Board Meeting Minutes for March 12th 2024. They have been reviewed and are accurate.