Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
June 04th, 2024
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Meeting was held at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Harrison, Vice Chairman Alvin Peavler, Director Brandy Corum, Director Dan Stanley, Director Steve Weaver, and Director Bill Hawkins, Director Jeremiah Norton arrived at 12:36 p.m.
Representing staff –Executive Director (ED) Lisa McCool-Rataczak, Deputy Director (DD) Brandon McClintock, and Systems Manager (SM) Steven Williams.
Representing Public – Matt Sudduth arrived at 12:49 p.m.
Review and Action of Meeting Minutes
Open Meeting minutes for May 15th, 2024, were reviewed.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No comment.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax deposit for April was received on May 7th, 2024, in the amount of $487,091.53. We have not received the sales tax check for May 2024.
Total bills submitted for approval today: $67,255.68.
Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be: $42,222.71.
Accounts receivable balance: $0.00
The Money Market account balance is: $150,000.00.
The Sweep Account balance is: $8,235,400.04
Director Stanley motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Unfinished Business
Executive Director and Department Status Report
See Attached Report
Countywide Public Safety Radio System
The MOU has been approved by the attorney, he noted the short time of termination of contract and also that the length of the agreement is 15 years. Chairman Harrison signed the agreement as previously approved.
Highway 43 Site
- The building was not set, because the crane was not available, we are not responsible for the storage cost of the building due to this delay. The tower has been delivered and is being put together. Chairman Harrison asked if photos were available. SM Williams advised that there are pictures available of the construction, because the drone has arrived.
Sarcoxie Tower Site
- The dig has begun, and the base is dug. Possibly pouring concrete tomorrow. We may have to purchase a new chain for Sarcoxie Public Works because the crews keep being locked out of the site, so the chain has been cut. Director Corum advised that Ron is the new Public Works Director. Chairman Harrison asked SM Williams if there were concerns with the placement of the power pole. SM Williams advised that the trucks should be ok utilizing the driveway across the street into the duplex and that the pole should not interfere with the fiber in the area.
MSHP Tower
- The fiber is in and there was an issue with the tests initially but now all tests are good.
JCSO Jail Tower
They removed 6 unused antennae and two microwave stations, we removed the old building, it was unable to be salvaged due to the concrete floor, the MOSWIN trailer was moved. The electrician cut the fiber accidentally, but it has been fixed now.
Joplin MOSWIN Tower
There is a problem with the weight concerns for the microwave, some options were presented, one being another tower construction. Chairman Harrison advised to contact Lisa Mason to begin exploring alternate locations for a tower.
Director Corum motioned to table the discussion for the Joplin tower site until more information was available. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Springfield/Greene Radio Connection
We possibly will be changing the speed of the connection, there is a meeting tomorrow to discuss this with Springfield/Greene 911, and Springfield City Utilities.
Radio Equipment
Two Fire Departments moved around their subscriber purchase to allow for the purchase of Unication G5 pagers. This change does not increase the overall price of the project. The total cost for 32 Unication G5 Pagers is $18,208.00. The funds for these pagers will come out of the contingency funds allocated for the radio system project.
Director Peavler motioned to allow Jasper and Tri Cities to purchase 32 pagers. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
We have the pricing for the cameras needed at the sites- NetWatch has quoted $15,899.76 discussion resulted in requesting another quote and a zoom meeting to approve so that a delay does not occur, and the tower crews could mount the cameras while climbing the towers.
The quotes for the Service Monitor and Network Monitor were received today. The Service Monitor is $48,206.09. The Network Monitor is $22,421. There is free training available. Director Peavler inquired what this equipment will do. SM Williams advised that the Service Monitor will test radios and antennae as well as coax and pinpoint the issue. The Network Monitor will test fiber and microwave connections and show the problem. JCSO has the Freedom version, this will be paid for from the radio contingency funds.
Director Peavler motioned to approve the purchase of the Service Monitor. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. Motion to purchase Service Monitor approved.
Director Norton moved to approve the purchase of the Network Monitor. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion to purchase the Network Monitor was approved.
SM Williams advised that a google update caused issues with all of the MCTs. Updates are now available and do work, so systems will be updating each MDT in the County. The quote was received for the NetMotion Licenses $17,374.50. We need to add licenses for JASCO but by adding to the overall number of licenses that are needed it lowers the cost of each and will be cost shared with other agencies.
Director Weaver motioned to approve the purchase and renewal of the NetMotion Licenses. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion passed.
12:49 Matt Sudduth with Motorola arrived.
Overtime Compensation
ED Rataczak advised the Board regarding the overtime policy that is currently in place. There is no cause for any concern of mistreating the temporary policy. The Board approved continuing the overtime compensation policy.
Deputy Director Report
Call Volume
May 2024 – 12,038 – Decrease of 7.41% compared to May 2023 (13,001)
HVAC Replacement Progress
DD McClintock advised the Board Satterlee has been waiting for some of the equipment to arrive that was on back order, the project should be completed in a couple of weeks.
SMB Bank Modifications
ED Rataczak advised that all Directors have contacted the Bank for an update of information.
AT&T JASCO/Joplin Connection
DD McClintock advised the Board that last week AT&T ran 22,000 feet of fiber and is adding equipment to turn up the speed of the connection, so hopefully will soon be complete.
New Business
Grounds & Maintenance
DD McClintock advised the Board that quotes have been obtained for painting the building, repairing the stucco, and painting the ridge cap on the front of the building, the amount is $13,500 and the cost to remove the tree from a different company but recommended by the painting company will be $1700.
Director Peavler motioned to approve the work on the building and the removal of the tree as recommended, and to have the ridge cap on the back of the building painted, the cost of all work is not to exceed $17,000. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. Motion passed.
Staffing / Training
DD McClintock advised that we started a hiring campaign on social media and indeed it’s scheduled to end June 5th. As of today, we’ve had a total of approx. 54 applicants. 1 part-time employee hired and started on 06/03. Part-time employees are being hired with a set schedule ranging from 22-24 hours a week M-F. The hours will fall on the busiest day and hours to assist with call volume. We would like to explore options of some possible benefits for part time employees such as Holiday pay or an hourly incentive since these employees do not receive other benefits.
MindBase Responder Wellness
DD McClintock advised last week there were multiple suicide or attempted suicide calls. We had previously explored the MindBase program, it is a notification and tracking system that pulls the codes of the calls from EMD, EPD, and EFD and the call taker information. It then notifies the administration team that these calls were taken, it also contacts the call taker 24-48 hrs. later to follow up on these hard calls and provide a reminder of resources that are available to team members. It also has an area for spouse resources if needed to help the call taker. The amount of the quote is $5223 for 1 year.
Chairman Harrison advised that he would like to see a more comprehensive and full plan, employee wellness is a big issue, and resources should be available, and that this is a known problem. ED Rataczak advised that we also have the Ramsey Smart Dollar program that we will not renew so the funds from that approximately $2500 yearly would be designated to this program.
Director’s Vehicle
ED Rataczak requested permission to attempt to locate and purchase a Director’s Vehicle. It was noted that there is $60,000 set in the budget for this and to proceed. To bring three quotes to next meeting.
Policy Modification
DD McClintock requested modification of policies
P1-S19 Employment Status – Change language “Hourly (As Needed) Employee – to Reserve/Part-Time Employment. Adding language to offer these employees an added incentive who regularly work a minimum of 24 hours a week. Any hours outside of their regular scheduled shift will be paid as time and a half. Board discussion regarding benefits and hours of full-time employees vs. part-time employees. More information was requested and to be brought to the next JCESB meeting.
P1-S28 Telecommunications Specialist (TCOII) – Change qualifications from (3) years to 1 year experience in a consolidated dispatch PSAP.
Director Peavler motioned to approve Policy P1-S28. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. Motion carried.
P1-S29 Certified Training Officer (CTO) – Change language to allow the Deputy or Executive Director the discretion to waive requirement “Have at least one year of experience as a released TCO at Jasco.”
Director Norton motioned to approve the policy revision. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote 6-0 motion passes.
The meeting ended at 1:42pm. (no motion to end needed)
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2024
I, Alvin Peavler, Vice Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for May 15th, 2024. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2024I, Brandy Corum, Secretary __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for May 15th, 2024. They have been reviewed and are accurate.