Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
May 2nd 2017
Director Francis called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Director Francis, Greg Dagnan, Dan Stanley and Ron Brewer. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison and Executive Director April Tarrant.
Review and Action of Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on April 4th 2017 were reviewed.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the meeting minutes for April 4th 2017. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for March was received on April 7th in the amount of $146,237.67.
We have not received the sales tax check for May. April advised the board that we are needing to sign a release due to our bond maturing. Treasurer Carl Francis signed the document.
Total bills submitted for approval today $47,853.13. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $21,702.73. The money market account balance is $927,584.88.
Accounts receivable balance is $0.00.
The MULES circuit price is going down.
Executive Director Tarrant informed the Board that MSHP costs will go down by $75 per quarter, starting in July for the next year.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
- Executive Director Tarrant reviewed her report, highlighting that she is scheduling site visits on the radio software project and would like to have an RFP out by the first of July. Executive Director Tarrant advised that she thinks that we should go with a system that is compatible with both the NexEdge and Motorola P25 digital systems. Executive Director Tarrant highlighted that the AT&T fiber bill is still in dispute and that we are receiving a reimbursement from OM Swanigan for her cancelled flight to Navigator. We are just waiting on it to be credited back to our visa card. Executive Director Tarrant informed the Board that we have received another fraudulent charge from ANY DO, they are charging us $27.00 a year. Executive Director Tarrant has been in contact with SMB and JCSO on this charge. Visa has advised that they will credit our card with the $27.00 and they will delete the interest charge that is on our bill because of this. This is the 3rd year in a row they have charged us. She will be checking with visa and vendors that we use, so that we can determine how they keep getting our new credit card numbers. Det. Mitchell is emailing the company to see who they work with for possible leads on this so it doesn’t occur again next year. The Mense CPA Firm has completed the audit on the 2016 financials and we have received the partial bill from them. The 2016 audit paperwork is complete and we will be sending the audit information to the state. Executive Director Tarrant highlighted that JASCO and local Law enforcement agencies are working together on a local Amber Alert. She noted that we have 2 in training. One of the employees in training will be released this week. The 2nd employee in training will be done by the end of the month. Executive Director Tarrant advised that we are at the end of the process of hiring 2 full time employees. Executive Director Tarrant advised that Representative Cody Smith and Charlie Davis have prepared a resolution for JASCO regarding the accreditation. She also explained more about the petition to overturn the Federal Committee’s final action regarding a request to reclassify 9-1-1 Telecommunicators. They recently reclassified emergency communication professionals as secretaries, which is not a protected class. We have asked to be reclassified as first responders.
She informed the Board that she just received notification before the meeting that Duenweg Fire Department would like details on the cost to have JASCO dispatch on their private frequency. This is the same request from both Oronogo Fire and Sarcoxie Fire Department. Director Dagnan and Director Francis said we could schedule a Services Committee meeting, but to discuss the options with Duenweg Fire to use Fire West. There was a lot of discussion about their radio problems and the fact that the Sheriff’s office has been looking into them and they seemed to be taken care of. This meeting will be scheduled soon to discuss the options.
Unfinished Business
Jasper Storm Sirens
Mayor notified JASCO that Jasper Fire District has agreed to take over setting the storm sirens off for the City of Jasper.
Representation Letter-2016 Audit
Executive Director Tarrant advised that the audit is complete for 2016 and the report from Mense CPA Firm was completed and is correct. Executive Director Tarrant will be sending the complete report to the state.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the audit for 2016 financials. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Use Tax
Executive Director Tarrant advised that Jasper County did not pass a use tax. Executive Director Tarrant stated that if we decide to try and get a use tax. Then we would have to have an election and put this on the ballot for a vote. Director Dagnan stated that the City of Carthage is considering a use tax proposal on the ballot for a vote either in August or November. Executive Director Tarrant and Director Dagnan stated that it would be a good idea to do it if/when the City of Carthage puts it on the ballot. Executive Director Tarrant advised that the center could start collecting the sales tax on utilities. Executive Director Tarrant stated that the center has been approved to collect money off of the utilities for a while now and we have not been doing so. Executive Director Tarrant will be checking into why the center has not been collecting this. She also advised that the topic of increasing the overall sales tax maybe easier to pass since it is not the residents that just pay for this, but all visitors that buy items in Jasper County. Jasper Counties E9-1-1 sales tax is one of the lowest in the State of Missouri for E9-1-1 services. The board came to an agreement that we will do more research on this topic and come back to this topic at the June meeting.
New Business
Visa Fraud Dispute-Any Do $27 a year
Executive Director Tarrant filed a dispute with Visa on the fraudulent charge from ANY DO $27/YR. We are waiting on new Visa cards. She has contacted Visa and they will be removing this charge. Since this was a fraud charge we did not pay it with last month’s bill, so this accrued interest charges. The Visa Company has agreed to remove the interest charges from the bill. Executive Director Tarrant believes that Any Do is getting our credit card information from one of our software vendors. She will discuss this with any vendor we use for software that has our account information to see if we can pin this down. JCSO Det. Mitchell is emailing the company to see who they work with for possible leads on this so it doesn’t occur again next year.
Security Pledge- 1st quarter
Executive Director Tarrant shared with the board that we are needing to sign a new security pledge. She also advised that she received notice today from the bank that Country Club Bank’s pledge on the bond is maturing on June 1, 2017 and they need a signature to start the process for a new bond pledge.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the quarterly security pledge and to approve the Treasurer to sign the document regarding releasing the securities since the bond is maturing. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Francis signed the new security pledge.
US Cellular Emergency Go Case-
Executive Director Tarrant stated that US Cellular is giving away “emergency go phones” again to E9-1-1 and Emergency Operation Centers. US Cellular has advised that they will not charge us a monthly bill for the phones but they will charge us a onetime fee of 1 cent per phone if we decide to keep the phones. If we do not use the phones then our first bill will be for 20 cents. If we use the phones then they will charge us by the minute. JCESB has approved for JASCO get these phones.
Massage Therapist
Executive Director Tarrant stated that a daughter of a team member is going to school to be a massage therapist. She brought it up to the board to see if it would be ok to have her come out and do her clinicals at the center. The JCESB declined this and advised that it could be a liability on the center if someone got hurt. JCESB members stated that they did not have a problem letting her come to the center and leave business cards and make appointments for the employees when they are not on duty.
NTW Donation-Console Equipment
Executive Director Tarrant brought up to the JCESB that Beimdiek has donated $500.00 to the center to spend on something for the employees that goes along with health and wellness. She stated that she has been doing research for a treadmill and a bicycle that will go under the consoles. She contacted the director at Green County 911 Center and the director stated that the bicycle is the best for them. They have purchased both but they do not use the treadmill. The JCESB came to an agreement that the bicycle would be the best choice for the center. The JCESB advised Executive Director Tarrant to check with our insurance company to see if our workers compensation insurance for the center will go up in price or go down in price. Director Stanley proposed to the board that we check with Freeman West to see if they can come to the center and do a health screening fair. Director Dagnan and Director Francis stated that they have done this for their departments in the past and had great success. Director Brewer stated that Shelby Allen would be our point of contact for the screenings through Freeman West.
1:08 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to adjourn. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6th, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.
On the____6th_________ day of _______June_______________2017____
I, Carl Francis, Treasurer, _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ____6th______day of____June_________________2017______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.