Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
October 4th, 2022
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order via conference call at 12:01 p.m. Meeting was held at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Harrison (via conference call), Dan Stanley, Bill Hawkins, Tim Wilson, Greg Dagnan, and Keith Stammer.
Representing staff – Executive Director (ED Ford) April Ford, Office Support Clerk Amber Madison, and Systems Specialist Steven Williams.
Representing Public –Brian Harper with NRroute
Consent Agenda: Executive Director Ford advised the Board that we received our property insurance information today and it has increased by 15%, due to building and equipment. We will need to make the payment by October 24th,2022. The Board advised to wait and put the Insurance renewal on November’s Board meeting agenda.
Review and Action of Meeting Minutes
Open meeting minutes were reviewed for the Board of Director’s Meetings held on September 20th, 2022.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the open meeting minutes for September 20th, 2022. Director Hawkins seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
ED Ford advised the Board that she will be starting on budget next week.
The sales tax deposit for August was received on September 7th, 2022, in the amount of $526,456.28. We have not received the sales tax check for September or October.
Total bills submitted for approval today $58,182.70.
Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $16,382.97.
Accounts receivable balance: $22.50. (Records Request)
The Money Market account balance is $3,295,013.47.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Committee Reports
No report
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
ED Ford advised the Board that she has a meeting with the Trunked Radio Systems Board on October 14th, 2022. April advised the Board that we still have 3 disputes with AT&T. We also still have the dispute with SHI. We are going to buy Netmotion Licenses direct from now on. We did have a circuit issue with the radio system. MOSWIN will add another circuit at their expense for testing. ED Ford stated that we have 4 full time openings and 3 Administrative openings. We have some employees dropping to part time and we have a part time employee quitting. Director Stammer stated that RHSOC sees the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Region D incident command truck as their asset and not the Sheriffs to give away to someone else. April advised the Board that she has meetings setup to discuss in detail about the truck to confirm Sheriff’s intentions and then with the RSHOC. ED Ford advised the Board that she is working on getting the AXS or MCC7500E consoles included in the radio project. If we get the radio project in motion, we might not have to pay for the full maintenance for the Sheriff’s Office consoles that were purchased previously.
Unfinished Business
Countywide Public Safety Radio System-RFP and Bidding – Moved to the end of the meeting.
Staffing and Recruitment/Wage Scale/MCP
ED Ford advised the Board that Steven Williams is pulling the push to talk reports for MCP, and MCP is getting all final information completed.
Overtime Compensation
Office Support Clerk Madison advised the Board that nothing has changed, and there is no cause for any concern of mistreating the temporary policy. The Board approved to continue the overtime compensation policy.
New Business
Medical Loss Rebate
ED Ford advised that we received the medical loss rebate information for 2021 from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, however Amber Madison hasn’t had a chance to complete the full report. Amber will have the full report for the next meeting for approval/denial.
New Security Pledge
ED Ford advised the Board that Southwest Missouri Bank has added another security pledge for us to protect our moneys over $250,000.00.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the additional security pledge. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Policy Modifications and Addition – EFD Policies
ED Ford advised the Board that we will have a lot of changes/modifications for our Emergency Fire Dispatching/CAD. Quality Assurance Coordinator Kima Burnett and Steven Williams are working on this project together.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the additions to the current policies. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
ED Ford advised the Board that she received an unemployment claim for a previous employee that self-terminated. April advised that she has the text messages from the employee stating that she was quitting, but they also have medical information in the messages. The Board agreed that April could provide the medical information to the unemployment office for unemployment reasons only.
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for specifications for competitive bidding pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (11).
At 12:19 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to go into closed session. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
All representing public left the meeting.
Vote: Harrison – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stammer – In Favor
Hawkins – In Favor
12:56 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Harrison – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stammer – In Favor
Hawkins – In Favor
At 12:57 p.m. Director Wilson motioned adjourn. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2022
I, James Harrison, Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2022
I, Dan Stanley, Secretary __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for ___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.