Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
August 1st, 2017
Vice Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Director Tim Wilson, Dan Stanley, Ron Brewer, James Harrison and Carl Francis arrived at 12:22pm. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison and Executive Director April Tarrant.
Review and Action of Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on June 6th, 2017 were reviewed.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the meeting minutes for June 6th, 2017. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for June was received on July 7th in the amount of $184,053.91.
We have not received the sales tax check for July or August.
Total bills submitted for approval today $108,184.83. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $11,198.06. The money market account balance is $1,031,801.49.
Accounts receivable balance is $2,916.67. (Mets dispatching fee)
After the funds are received the checkbook balance will be $14,114.73
Director Harrison motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
- Executive Director Tarrant reviewed her report, highlighting that METS is still working with Superion on an agreement for an interface to their HealthEMS reporting software. Superion’s Freedom contract was signed and submitted. Neotech is involved for the equipment side.
- The HVAC has been installed and is working properly.
- The tower light had been out, but she was able to reset it and it is currently working. However she also stated that it is probably time for us to replace the bulb. Executive Director Tarrant stated that the center has been having electrical power surges for an unknown reason.
- JASCO is working on an interface with Mercy so that we do not have to keep conferencing Mercy on medical calls that come into JASCO. This will help with the delays that happens when we connect with Mercy.
- JASCO has completed two demos for the new radio equipment, we will be touring more centers before we make a decision.
- Executive Director Tarrant highlighted that CPD had an employee resign, so JASCO is covering more shifts for Marian Days. While Executive Director Tarrant was at Marian Days assisting at the command center, Bill Hawkins with Carthage Police Department backed into her Ford Explorer. This caused minor scratches and small pieces of paint missing. Carthage Police Department stated that they will take care of any and all repairs if necessary. Executive Director Tarrant told the Carthage Police Chief Dagnan that she would speak to her Jasper County Emergency Services Board and see what they wanted her to do.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that the WCA contract is up and that she is still working on waste services agreement.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that the AT&T fiber bill is still in dispute. AT&T has credited $8,109.33 so far.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that Amanda Embrey is out of training now and that JASCO will be hiring 4 people for training due to the possibility of losing a current full time employee. We have completed the testing and interviews on applicants. We just completed backgrounds and will be hiring soon. The OM position will remain open until the fall.
- Executive Director Tarrant reviewed the current vacation time policy with the board.
- Executive Director Tarrant shared with the board that we had two life saver awards at the center.
- Executive Director Tarrant proposed that the Jasper County Emergency Services board have a special meeting to talk about the use tax that we want to get on the ballot.
- Executive Director Tarrant highlighted that Carthage Police Department is wanting to consolidate.
Unfinished Business
Use Tax
Executive Director Tarrant discussed what she has learned from Frank Foster. Frank Foster with EMS legal Services told Tarrant that if we want to proceed with an increase in the domestic use tax then we have to have the paper work in by September 1st 2017. The Jasper County Emergency Services Board agreed that they need to go forward with a domestic use tax and that they need to get all of the information together and then have a special meeting in August, so that they can have everything done and ready by September 1st. If Jasper County Emergency Services can get this information in by September 1st then it will go on the April 2018 ballot. Executive Director Tarrant told the board that she would schedule a date and time for the special meeting.
Vacation Pay
Executive Director Tarrant has had concerns from employees in reference to vacation pay. She passed out an example time sheet and proceeded to tell the board how our current policy is in reference to vacation and sick time pay. Executive Director Tarrant used the example: the employee would only be paid for the physical time that he/she was on console, if an employee requests a vacation day then picks up an extra shift, we put the vacation hours back in the leave balance and then they can use those hours again. Tarrant stated that this makes the center cover that shift at least twice. The center has already filled the vacation request once when they asked off for it, then they are going to fill it again when they ask off for the future date. Director Francis stated that the Board might want to discuss “selling” the vacation time. The Jasper County Emergency Services Board discussed this and they all agreed that we should go ahead and approve the vacation time to be paid at straight time.
New Business
Life Saver Awards
Life Saver Awards were earned by Kima Burnett, and Patricia Lafever. Kima assisted a female with the Heimlich maneuver on 01/27/17. This patient was choking and with the assistance from Kima she was able to take herself to the hospital and she survived. Patricia Lafever saved an 11 year old female that was in cardiac arrest. This patient lived 3-4 months. IAED considered this a save. Chelsea Finn took a 911 call of an overdose where she helped perform CPR, but as of right now the patient is still in the hospital.
Carthage Police Department has shown interest in consolidating with JASCO. Executive Director Tarrant and Chief Dagnan have been discussing the cost and the manpower needed for this. Executive Director Tarrant asked if consolidating with Carthage PD would mean that we would charge them a fee for service. She stated the PSAP would have to add on additional staff that we do not have the budget for. It was discussed that charging Carthage PD would mean we may have to charge other agencies for the same service. Executive Director Tarrant suggested that we should look into an increase in the sales tax rate since it has never been increased and is the second lowest in the State for 911 services. Director Francis stated that he doesn’t think that we would get a tax increase approved unless we consolidate with Joplin. Executive Director Tarrant suggested partial consolidation of Carthage PD dispatching early for night shift and then that would give her a better feel for how many personnel would be needed for the full consolidation. The board agreed with this move.
Executive Director Tarrant does not want to have to charge every department for dispatching, so she suggested looking into another source of income. Director Francis mentioned that Joplin dispatch will not come over to JASCO’s center, they would want us to move over with them at their center. Executive Director Tarrant stated that they do not have the room for us at their center, but we have room at JASCO for both. She stated we could move to Joplin with a consolidation, but they would have to build a new center large enough to house all of our personnel and equipment. Director Francis advised that legislative changes need to be changed from an elected board rather than what we have. Executive Director Tarrant advised that she has went through the process of this already and has all of the information needed to make this happen. Director Francis stated he has spoken with Sam Anselm during a meeting and Sam has agreed to meet with April and discuss the consolidation. Director Francis said Sam Anselm is going to meet with their IT, the Chiefs and the city attorney first and then will be ready to discuss consolidation again.
Services Committee
Executive Director Tarrant proposes that a service committee meeting needs to occur regarding the consolidation of Carthage PD. Executive Director Tarrant also expressed a possible conflict with the current service committee since both Jeff Fries and Greg Dagnan are on the committee, but work in Carthage. It was also noted that James Harrison is on the Carthage city council. Executive Director Tarrant advised that they will schedule a meeting at a later time to discuss the previous primary and secondary services suggested for charges versus no charges. Chairman Fries suggested a special committee meeting for that purpose before a final proposal was brought to the board.
EMD Calls by Joplin Communications
Executive Director Tarrant expressed her concerns with medical calls being taken by Joplin Communications Center. Executive Director Tarrant stated that Joplin’s 911 center has Telecommunications Officers answering the phone that are not EMD certified. METS and Joplin Fire are responding with concerns. Director Harrison gave an example of a priority 1 call where Joplin Fire Department was not dispatched. Mets supervisor had to be dispatched to the scene so he could drive the ambulance to the hospital. Director Harrison also stated that Joplin Dispatch is sending medical calls in Mets district to Newton County EMS. Executive Director Tarrant informed the JCESB that she has spoken with both Ben Jessip and Chief Stewart.
At 13:13 hours Director Brewer left the meeting.
Waste Contract
Executive Director advised that the waste contract with WCA is on hold. She will work bids from waste companies.
Radio Console Project
Executive Director Tarrant is needing a decision from the JCESB on replacing the radio consoles. She stated that two companies have performed demonstrations and both are available on State Bid and wanted to know if the JCESB prefers a full RFP and bid process or just a purchase off State Bid for this project.
Director Harrison motioned to approve purchasing a radio console system that will work for JASCO off State Bid with no formal bidding. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Merit Scale/Out of Scale Employees
Executive Director Tarrant has concerns for the employees that are at the end or out of the wage scale. She proposed a couple of ideas. These ideas would be to add an additional percentage to their retirement or add more vacation hours. Director Harrison shared that he is out of scale with his job. Director Harrison’s employer cuts him a check at the end of the year for 2% of what he makes every year. Director Francis wants comparisons on what other centers do with people that are at the end or out of scale at other 911 centers. Executive Director Tarrant with work on this and hold off on a decision right now and then bring it up again with budget.
Bank Security Pledge:
Executive Director Tarrant presented the securities pledge held at Country Club Bank as of June 30th, 2017 (received on July 7th 2017) in the book amount of $1,600,291.86 and market amount of $1,604,850.00.
Director Stanley moved to approve the Bank Security Pledge. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted
2018 Aerial Photography
Executive Director Tarrant discussed a proposal from Eagle View that was attached in the meeting packet. The contract is for 6 years and has four different options and all options first flight will be in early spring 2018. This contract would be with Jasper County and they have not given us a clear answer on what our cost would be, but say it depends on how many agencies decide to participate. Executive Director Tarrant is hoping that everyone will participate so we can split the cost between all of the agencies. Executive Director Tarrant stated that JASCO might be able to handle $24,000.00 for the 6 years but not much more. Director Harrison stated that we cannot commit to anything but what we have done in the past without knowing more about the costs. Executive Director Tarrant will send an email and say that we need a set amount that it will cost us for each year. Executive Director Tarrant explained how we use the aerial view and why it is so important that we have it. Eagle View is the one that the county has contracted with.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for personnel records and hiring, firing, disciplining and promoting pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (13) (3).
1:39 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to go into closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:43 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to come out of closed session. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:43 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to adjourn. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2017____
I, Tim Wilson, Vice Chairman _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the __________day of_____________________2017______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.