Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
November 7th, 2017
Director Wilson called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Director Wilson, Dan Stanley, Carl Francis, James Harrison, Ron Brewer came in at 12:03 p.m. and Craig Dagnan arrived at 12:18 p.m. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison and Executive Director April Tarrant-Ford.
No representing public.
Review and Action of Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on October 3rd, 2017 were reviewed.
Director Stanley motioned to approve both the open and closed meeting minutes for October 3rd 2017. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
Director Brewer entered the meeting at 12:03 pm, Executive Director Tarrant-Ford just stated that we will look at the financial report and payment of bills.
The sales tax check for September was received on October 16th in the amount of $141,269.53.
Total bills submitted for approval today $54,366.34. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $12,000.68. Accounts receivable balance is $3,632.58. (The city of Joplin for the fiber bill and Mets dispatching service.)
The money market account balance is $1,108,427.19.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford reviewed her report, highlighting that she will be having budget workshops for the board to attend, the dates are 11/15, 11/22, and 11/29.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that the insurance rates have been released from Anthem and we are looking at a 7.9% increase to offer the same insurance as 2017.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that the HVAC was leaking Freon from a unit and they replaced a bad M-Net and main control board. JASCO lost a hard drive to the recorder. It was replaced by Nelson Systems at no charge. This occurred when they worked on the HVAC and turned it off. It couldn’t be turned on without being logged into the system and we couldn’t get to the control because the master key that stays at JASCO was in Amber’s jacket pocket (we did not know this at the time) and Mike Runnebaum was out of town with his key. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford came into the center and Mike Logged in and restarted the HVAC.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that we have gotten quotes from different companies to rekey the center, due to some door locks being old and not serviceable. Tarrant-Ford advised that we probably need to put a Knox box outside for the fire department.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that we are getting quotes to cover the insulation in the shed with metal or something to keep the birds out.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that we did get a quote to cover the HVAC pipes with new insulation where Mike could not reach. They are saying it will cost $1,240.00 to finish up the insulation on the HVAC pipes. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that we will be getting a second quote for this project.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford is still updating all systems failure procedures, as well as reviewing and updating all center procedures.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford is updating all law procedures related to the Carthage Police Department consolidation. At this time, we will follow all current law procedures, but will modify those necessary to add in Carthage PD and change those related to call transfers and Mules use and entries.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that JASCO has attended several public education events this year.
- Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that we had an air quality test done on the center and we received the report that stated that we do not have any mold in the communications room and that we have some mold in the EOC closet and the company recommended some air flow in the closet would help with this.
Unfinished Business
2018 Aerial Photography
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised she spoke to Chase Fisher in reference to the Aerial Photography, Fisher is wanted Jasco to provide a 6 year commitment on how much they will contribute. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford’s recommendation to the board is that Jasco pays $2,500.00 a year and that we should go year by year only, she stated she knew that the board previously discussed $11,000.00 a year, but Tarrant-Ford doesn’t think that this is doable. At 12:18 p.m. Director Dagnan came into the meeting. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford asked Director Dagnan what Carthage Police Department had decided on paying for the GIS flyover. Director Dagnan stated that CPD decided that they are not paying any more than what they had been paying in the past years. Director Dagnan stated that the county already receives money for this flyover from the tax payers in Jasper County. Director Dagnan also stated that Chase Fisher has his salary figured into his calculations.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve that Jasco will pay $2,500.00 per year and on a year to year bases not a 6 year commitment for the GIS Flyover. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Use Tax/Sales Tax on Out of State Purchases
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford went over the ability to impose a Use tax for Out of State purchases. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that we can go after an out of state use tax on vehicle, boats, and trailers that are bought out of state and tagged in Missouri. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that Chairman Fries, Director Brewer and Director Harrison are up for re-election this year. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that if anyone runs against the board members then we should put the out of state motor vehicle tax on the ballot since we are having to pay for an election. The board agreed that if someone runs against any of the current board members then we will put this on the ballot. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford shared that the County Clerk sent out a letter stating that they will not be handling any of our elections. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford contacted the County Clerk’s office and they stated that they will assist in giving us some direction/information for this coming year but they will not be running any of the elections for our facility. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that she spoke with Kevin Nentwig at the Department of Revenue she stated that Jasco would receive only 1 tenth of a cent from the use tax. She stated that the revenue for 2015 was $1.2 million and Jasco would only receive $1,262.00 from this use tax. Director Francis stated he believes this calculation to be incorrect. Director Francis did some calculations and he is showing that Jasco would receive $12,062.00, if we are getting the 1 tenth of a cent from the revenue. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford and the board agreed that the calculations were off and that Jasco should receive $12,062.00 not the $1,262.00 that was calculated by the Department Of Revenue. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford and Director Francis discussed the ability to gain revenue off of sales tax on retail sales and Director Tarrant-Ford stated that Jasco cannot receive revenue off of retail sales or internet sales at this time.
The Jasper County Emergency Services Board stated that if they have an election for any of the board members then they will put the use tax on the ballot. They also stated that they will vote on a plan that is based on what the estimated revenue loss would be for the center if they do not have an election in 2018.
Director Francis made the motion to accept this plan if feasible. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Radio Console Project
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that Motorola is in the mix now. Joplin uses Motorola and Executive Director Tarrant-Ford had Motorola come to the center and perform a demo. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that Motorola cannot direct connect with the NexEdge system. The Motorola consoles are $75,000.00. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford and Motorola have a meeting set up to discuss #s. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford shared that at this time Avtec and Zetron prices are under $400,000.00, but neither can direct connect to the NexEdge system either. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that we will likely not be able to afford Motorola’s equipment. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that she would like to have this equipment if we do the consolidation with Joplin Dispatch. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that if we do the consolidation then we could just bring 5 workstations to Jasco from Joplin and have the person that is working Joplin that day just sit at one of the Motorola consoles. The board agreed that Executive Director Tarrant-Ford needed to have the meeting with Motorola and explain that we do not have the available funds for the equipment that they are selling. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that she has heard the interfaced could be around $830,000.00 for Motorola with Zetron or Avtec. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that when she sends out the RFI’s they will include multi select, tone stacking, and all other functions that we currently need the capability of. Director Francis thinks it would be fine to have Joplin’s consoles over here if we consolidate. MOSWIN is working on a deal to take over responsibility for Joplin’s P25 equipment, but nothing has been decided on yet. The board discussed this and it is believed that if Moswin takes over Joplin’s communications then that could save the city of Joplin at least a million dollars a year.
Service Agreement with the Carthage Police Department
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that she will signed the Service Agreement between Jasco and Carthage Police Department. Director Wilson stepped out of the meeting at 12:40 p.m. This will be a 6 month service agreement with the Carthage Police Department. At 12:41 p.m. Director Wilson came back into the meeting. Jasco has been dispatching from midnight to 0600hrs for two nights now and it is going fairly smooth. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford and Director Dagnan discussed how night shift dispatching was going and how day shift is a lot busier than night shift. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that Jasco should look at maybe dispatching from 0800-1200hrs instead of taking 1800-0000hrs dispatching. This will help Jasco get ready for taking over dispatch completely and help Carthage dispatchers catch up in the mornings at the Police Department.
Insurance Renewal
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that Anthem is letting us keep our current plan if we choose too. Anthem is increasing their rates by 7.9%. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford went over the health insurance report that Beimdiek gave Jasco. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford presented the information that Lori with Beimdiek told us about there being only one company you can go through on your own to buy insurance. Director Frances stated that wasn’t true, that there are several companies you can go with, not just one. The rest of the board agreed that you could go to other companies but they would not be under the affordable care act. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that Lori did not advise that there were other companies that the employees could go with. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford went over what she recommended the board do which is either let the employees keep their current plans or go with the buy up plan and option 3 on the worksheet. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford provided all of the increase cost and the benefits of each option. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that our family insurance policies are really high. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford told the board that she called the new employees that Jasco just hired and let them know that the insurance was increasing by 7.9% and Executive Director Tarrant-Ford gave the new employees the dollar amounts of the new plans, so that the new hires were fully informed. The board advised that Executive Director Tarrant-Ford should not have call them and told them this. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised the board that she wanted to let them know of the increase so they could make the decision if they needed to stay where they were or go ahead and accept the position at Jasco. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that Beimdiek is going to work with our new employees to see what other options they have and to get them pricing on family health care coverage if they want it.
Director Stanley made the motion for Jasco to keep the current buy up plan and the current base plan. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
New Business
Bank Security Pledge
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford presented the securities pledge held at Country Club Bank as of September 30th, 2017 (received on October 11th 2017) in the book amount of $1,585,459.43 and market amount of $1,587,660.00.
Director Francis moved to approve the Bank Security Pledge. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted
Director Dagnan left the meeting at 1:06 p.m.
Voya retirement-Fixed interest rate guarantee
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that she has spoken to Dan Igou with Voya and Voya has sent out letters stating that investments have went from 4% fixed to a rate of 1%. Director Francis stated that he was told by Dan that the 4% was a promotional event that they were having and now it is over.
Election for Board Members
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised the board that Jasco received a letter from the County Clerk stating that the County would no longer handling filings or notices to the public on the election process for Jasco. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford spoke to Marilyn Baugh-County clerk and Marilyn sent Executive Director Tarrant-Ford information on dates and information on the proper way to handle this for an election. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford also contacted the Missouri Ethics Commission’s office and they will be helping Jasco conduct the election if we have one.
Budget Amendment 2017
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford went over the 2017 budget with the Board and she discussed that we are coming in under budget for the calendar year. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford went over the budget to actual costs and she highlighted the areas that needed to be changed. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford is needing to amend the budget and move $3,085.22 from GL code 60211 and move it to 61424. Since they are repair and maintenance. She did explain that there will be a generator preventative maintenance scheduled, as well.
Director Harrison made the motion to approve the budget amendment. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Budget 2018
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford stated that the HVAC cost will be put on the December meeting agenda for an amendment to the budget due to the unexpected cost for the repair. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that there is nothing on the budget to approve right not, but she is planning on the radio console system, the NAS/SAN and replacement of the CAD servers for 2018.
Wage Scale 2018
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that COLA has increased 2%. Director Francis advised that this figure is not correct and that COLA has increased to 1.4% not 2%. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford looked at the report that she had and she did see where it said 1.4% but she believed that this was only for federal employee raises and not the complete Federal Social Security COLA increase. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford asked Director Francis to send her the report that he found on this information so she knows where to pull it for next time. Director Francis advised that he would send her the report. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford has proposed to the board a 2% wage increase for 2018. Director Francis advised that the increase needs to be called a COLA increase not a raise. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford presented information on Joplin’s starting hourly rate of $14.07 and said they are getting a 2% increase and Monett starts their dispatchers out at $14.03. Director Francis asked if she can start out experienced dispatchers at a higher rate and she stated that she had that ability.
Director Francis made the motion to approve the recommended 2% COLA increase. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Brewer left the meeting at 1:25 p.m…
Cad Workstations
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that the CAD workstation quotes are coming in higher than originally planned for, but she is still looking into the pricing. They are being quoted between $25,000-$30,000, but there is enough money in that GL due to the CAD consolidation not happening this year.
Air Quality Study and Report
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised the board that we had an air quality test done at the center. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford went over the report with the board and advised them that the findings on the test showed no mold in the communications room and small amounts of mold in the EOC closet. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford shared that the technician believes that there is mold in the closet because there is not any air flow. The technician believes that the mold in the room would decrease if it had some sort of a “return” in it. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that she will look into this and check prices and check to see if it would be possible to put some kind of return in the closet.
NeoTech Contract
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford advised that Neotech’s contract did not increase this year. The contract is still for $5495.00 per month.
Director Stanley made the motion to approve and sign the NeoTech contract. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Department of Health and Senior Services
Executive Director Tarrant-Ford shared with the board that a resident of Sarcoxie has been calling 911 and non-emergency lines and requesting Mercy and the Sarcoxie Fire department to come to his residence and put him in his wheelchair, and in bed. When he calls he does not have a medical emergency so Mercy and SFD have filed charges for misuse of 911. Executive Director Tarrant-Ford shared this with the board in case Jasco gets involved by the court.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for personnel records and hiring, firing, disciplining and promoting pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (13) (3).
1:30 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to go into closed session. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Roll Call: Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:40 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Roll Call: Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:40 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to adjourn. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2017_
I, Tim Wilson, Vice Chairman, _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the __________day of_____________________2017_
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.