Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
April 3rd, 2018
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:13 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Carl Francis, Greg Dagnan, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison and Executive Director April Ford.
Representing public is Kurt Bleich with Command 1.
Review and Action of Minutes
Open minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on February 27th, 2018 were reviewed.
Director Francis motioned to approve the open meeting minutes for February 27th 2018. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for February was received on March 7th, 2018 in the amount of $166,436.65. We have not received the sales tax check for March.
Total bills submitted for approval today $73,579.97. The Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $18,735.46. Accounts receivable balance: $896.65. (JCSO Wolf Pac and Joplin Fiber). The Money Market account balance is $1,151,764.18.
Executive Director Ford mentioned that Union Station will be issuing a credit back to our Visa credit card due to over payment. Executive Director Ford also mentioned that there are some charges on the At&t bill that we are looking into. They are long distance charges that could possibly be from the radio project.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Technical Services
Executive Director Ford stated that the UPS backup has been replaced.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
- Executive Director Ford reviewed her report, highlighting that the 2017 financial audit has been completed and that we will be receiving the paperwork on the audit soon. Executive Director Ford stated that we will be seeing a smaller AT&T bill, due to her finding out that we were paying for some of the Joplin lines. Executive Director Ford advised the board that we have already showed a savings of $2,046.00 for this month’s bill. Executive Director Ford and Director Dagnan spoke about Carthage dispatching. Director Ford stated that there are a lot of radio issues. Director Dagnan agreed and stated that there are a lot of technology issues that they are facing. Executive Director Ford stated that JASCO is also having problems getting MULES returns from Texas. Executive Director Ford has been working on getting this resolved and the problem is being fixed and so far we have not had problems again. Executive Director Ford advised that JASCO will be watching, and making sure that if they get another “not on file” from Texas that they are documenting the situation and emailing Executive Director Ford the information. Executive Director Ford mentioned that Director James Harrison went to MPSCC and he made contact with several vendors while he was there. Executive Director Ford has spoken with two of the vendors that James suggested. Executive Director Ford stated that she spoke with Amon Henady and he gave her contact information for empire, so that JASCO can get cheaper fiber from Carthage to Jasco. Executive Director Ford will be checking into this and bring the information that she finds to a future board meeting. Executive Director Ford stated that she spoke and testified about a Senate Bill. Executive Director Ford will speak about staffing during Executive Session. Executive Director Ford stated that Chief Roger Lewis with Kansas City Police Department sent her a letter thanking her for all of her hard work during MPSCC. Executive Director Ford asked the board that this be placed in her personnel file.
Unfinished Business
Radio Console Project– Avtec Agreement
Executive Director Ford introduced Kurt Bleich to the board and advised that Kurt is at the meeting to answer any kind of question that the board might have about the radio systems. Executive Director Ford advised that the quote for Avtec is higher, but this is because of geo-diverse redundancy. Executive Director Ford shared how important the geo-diverse redundancy is for the center, example would be if the center was to catch on fire. Executive Director Ford explained the connection and the interface will charge more, and that the interface will be what dispatches the units immediately. If Jasco can afford this then it would be beneficial for the center, responding units and the citizens. Executive Director Ford sent the Avtec contract to Jasco’s attorney Frank Foster to review, and he suggested some changes. The contract is $67,000.00 over budget and the CAD to Avtec interface is $16,000.00 and then could have an extra cost for Kenwood equipment. Executive Director Ford stated that we are trying to get rid of a lot of the control radios. Executive Director Ford advised that Zetron is out for a couple of different reasons, geo-diversity and redundancy and configurability. They also have multiple products out. Executive Director Ford shared with the board that with the current Zetron customers that she has contacted have to use a third party vendor. Executive Director Ford does not want to use a third party vendor forever, she is wanting to communicate directly with the company and be able to change certain features here at the center on our own. Executive Director Ford advised that the radio project committee went on walk thru’s of other centers and realized that with the Zetron equipment we cannot change a lot of the features that we want to change. Director Dagnan stated that he was concerned also about how the Avtec equipment will work with the next edge equipment. Executive Director Ford stated that to keep the cost down, Avtec has agreed to give Jasco the Kenwood radios that we need for free. Director Dagnan gave an example of when all of the towers went down and the Kamo Power guys figured this problem out. Executive Director Ford stated that the biggest difference between Avtec and Zetron is that Avtec has been around for years, and it has been the same product. Zetron has several types and when Zetron filled out the RFI they referred to Zetron Acom instead of the Zetron Max. Director Dagnan stated to the board that he is counting on this console project to fix the current radio issues with Carthage and Jasco. Kurt Bleich spoke about the New York site, he stated that they have been working with Telex about the alerting system and it seems to be working. Executive Director Ford stated that she will get with Kamo and discuss the radio issues and what we are wanting to change and see if these changes will help with the Avtec system. Executive Director Ford stated that she is wanting redundancy with this change, and to have the system here and a system at Joplin it would be somewhere near $34,000.00. Executive Director Ford would also like for us to have two laptops with the software on them so that we can dispatch in the field. Executive Director Ford stated she is really wanting the geo-diverse redundancy because of the fire that we had this year and the past tornado.
Barton County 9-1-1 Services
Executive Director Ford stated that she met with Barton County and shared with them the concerns that the Jasper County Emergency Services board had at the last meeting. Barton County is wanting Jasco to take over their dispatch and calls. Executive Director Ford explained to the commissions that there would be a charge for service and the Commissions asked April to do a price quote for what Jasco would charge them to take over their 911 calls and their dispatching. Executive Director Ford shared with the board that Barton County is having issues with equipment, Barton County cannot get phase 2 on 911 calls right now because of lack of mapping and some equipment issues. Chairman Fries and Director Francis stated that he would rather someone in Barton County take over the 911 calls and the dispatching services, rather than someone from another county taking over the duties. Executive Director Ford stated that right now we are not in a place that we could take over their services. Executive Director Ford shared that Barton County has also went to Newton County to see if they could take over their services and Newton County is not able to right now either. Executive Director Ford stated that right now we are not in a place that we could take over their services. Director Francis is worried about what people will say about the Jasper County funds being used for Barton County. Executive Director Ford stated that the advantage for Barton County citizens would be that our employees are trained and our equipment and that we would have to charge a fee for that service so that no Jasper County 911 funds were being used. The Jasper County Emergency Board all agreed that right now Executive Director Ford will need to speak with Barton County and advise them that we will not be able to assist them at this time.
Radio System Work
Executive Director Ford advised that we have been having issues with the unit id popping up on the radios and Jasco not hearing anything. Carthage dispatcher also saw Jasco key up on the radio and nothing come across. Kamo has stated that we need to switch to the higher end Cisco switches. Kamo has seen that the lower end Cisco switches have issues. JCSO and Carthage will be changing out the switches. Executive Director Ford will keep the board updated with the radio issues. Director Dagnan stated that Carthage Police Department were not having problems with the radio at all before. It has to be something when they jump from tower to tower. Executive Director Ford stated at least for over a year we have been doing the surveys and nothing gets fixed. Executive Director Ford stated that she has several people threatening to go to the board about all of the radio issues.
New Business
National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week Resolution
Executive Director Ford stated that there is a resolution out for the board to sign. The resolution is for NTW 2018. Executive Director Ford went through what activities we have planned for the week and she invited the board members to stop in and say hi when they could.
Director Dagnan motioned to adopt Resolution 2018-01. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
Joplin 9-1-1 Services
Executive Director Ford stated that Ryan West contacted her to see what Jasco could do to help him. Joplin is shorthanded. Executive Director Ford stated that if we consolidated with Joplin then this would help both centers. Executive Director Ford stated that we could take over the med calls and this would help some. Executive Director Ford met with Rex about Joplin Fire Department and they spoke about Jasco dispatching for their fire department. Ryan thinks that it would be at least a year before this happens. Chief Ferguson advised that he wants to look at this again. Executive Director Ford sent the five year plan to him again.
Radio System Concerns—Direct Service Agencies
Executive Director Ford shared with the board a Facebook post that Jasper Police Chief Karr shared about the radio systems. Director Harrison was tagged in the Facebook post and contacted April via phone. Executive Director Ford printed off the Facebook post for the board to see. Someone was posting the Jasper County Emergency Board minutes onto the Facebook post. Executive Director Ford called Karr about this post and he with her at Jasco to discuss this issue. Executive Director Ford gave contact information to Chief Karr for some vendors that she met while at conference that might be able to assist him with some of the radio issues he is having. Chief Karr told April about how he was on a traffic stop and asked for a code 2 back up unit several times and was not heard by Jasco. Karr asked April if it would be ok if he got on fire central in these situations. Executive Director Ford told Chief Karr that he could get on fire central if he is not able to get out on law dispatch for these types of situations. Director Dagnan stated that all we can do is what we can do and that the Sheriff’s Office needs to fix the radio problems. Jasco cannot make the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office do anything more. Dagnan stated that Karr needs to speak with the Jasper County Sheriff’s office directly and that Facebook is not the way to take care of this.
Recruiting, Training and Retention Incentive
Executive Director Ford spoke with Director Brewer previously about our referral program that we have in policy at Jasco. Director Brewer told April that he thinks that we need to increase the referral bonus to $250.00. Director Brewer also suggested some type of sign on bonus, but April advised that we cannot do this. Executive Director Ford liked this proposal but also advised that we do not pay our trainers for training, and that a lot of the trainers are getting burnt out. She suggested that we start paying the trainers extra while they are training or give them $200.00 once the trainee gets released. Director Dagnan shared with the board that CPD does this type of increase for trainers and that they are looking at time off incentives also. Chairman Fries stated that he likes the way that CPD does the training pay. Fries stated that they can do the training hours as “FTO” hours or give an extra $1.00 an hour while training. Executive Director Ford advised that we are having a problem with people making it thru training and she will discuss more of this during Executive Session. Executive Director Ford also stated that we are having a problem because other agencies pay is higher than Jasco’s. The board all agreed that they could do a .50 cent raise for trainers while they are training new employees. Director Francis suggested that we move the starting pay from $12.88 to $13.00 an hour. Executive Director Ford will update the policy and bring it to the next board meeting.
Director Francis motioned to approve the $.50 increase for trainers while training. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Francis motioned to approve the starting pay to be increased from $12.88 to $13.00 an hour. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
At 1:34pm Kurt Bleich and Amber Madison stepped out of the meeting.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for personnel records and hiring, firing, disciplining and promoting pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (13) (3).
1:37 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to go into closed session. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:56 p.m. Director Stanley motioned to come out of closed session. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:56 p.m. Director Stanley motioned to adjourn. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2018____
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the __________day of_____________________2018______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.