Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
July 2nd, 2019
Vice Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Vice Chairman Wilson, Carl Francis, Greg Dagnan, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Office Support Clerk Amber Madison and Executive Director April Ford.
Kima Burnett (Training Coordinator)
Review and Action of Minutes
Open and closed minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on June 4th, 2019 were reviewed.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the open and the closed meeting minutes for June 4th, 2019. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax for May was received on June 7th 2019 in the amount of $163,400.53. We have not received the sales tax check for June.
Total bills submitted for approval today $91,062.67. The Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $19,386.69. Accounts receivable balance: $3,590.10. (Joplin Fiber and METS dispatching fee).
The Money Market account balance is $878,685.51.
Executive Director Ford read the financial report and she highlighted that there is a final bill for Avtec that we are waiting to pay until all of the issues are resolved. Director Ford also stated that we have bills from AT&T that are pending.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The Board agreed to have Kima Burnett present the State 911 Board Appointment topic after the Director Report.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford highlighted that we are being audited by Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance and Amber is gathering the information for them. Executive Director Ford advised the board that we have hired one employee, Cord Thrasher. She stated that he was the assistant manager at Hardee’s. April advised the board that we will be filling one more position. Executive Director Ford stated that Sarcoxie Police Chief Corum has successfully tested the MOSWIN radios, Chief Corum is just waiting on the Mayor for a final decision. Executive Director Ford stated that we have some room on the tower for the equipment if Sarcoxie Police Department decides to use MOSWIN, but they would be responsible for all of the cost. April stated that Jasper Police Department will be looking into testing MOSWIN. The Fire Chiefs are wanting Bryan Courtney to come to the Chiefs meeting so that they can discuss using MOSWIN. Executive Director Ford highlighted the AT&T had a power outage last night. Executive Director Ford, Director Dagnan, and Director Francis spoke about the MOSWIN and prices of Motorola, Tate, and Harris radios. They stated that Green County uses refurbished radios. Executive Director Ford stated that the CAD to CAD for Newton County and Jasco is up. Executive Director Ford stated that during Marian days she will be out of town for training. April stated that Brandon McClintock, Bryan Harris and Amber Madison might be the ones to attend the event. Executive Director Ford and Director Dagnan will talk about Marian Days during a separate meeting. Director Dagnan stated that the “go live” date for Marian Days is July 27th 2019. Executive Director Ford stated that she would like to start reaching out to departments on who they use to install the lights on the departments vehicles, so that we can have the lights installed on the Tahoe. Director Francis suggested Andy Roughton.
New Business
State 911 Board Appointment
Executive Director Ford explained that the State 911 Board is accepting revenue from the new pre-paid cell phone fee, and we are eligible to receive this funding now. April stated that there is a spot on this board for an MML representative, and Kima has applied to serve. Kima has asked if Jasco will support her wages. Chairman Fries and Executive Director Ford discussed the situation and recommended that anything that is phone call related while at work Jasco would pay her. The board is concerned because of the travel budget. The board discussed the travel budget and discussed the fact that Kima Burnett is an hourly employee. Executive Director Ford stated that she is concerned for what the overtime budget would look like, but she did explain how Kima flexes off her time when possible. Kima Burnett explained what the MML position with the 911 board would be. Kima stated that there has never been a board like this before. While the board becomes established they will be having meetings and conference calls frequently, but as soon as the board is established she believes that the activities will dwindle down. The board stated that it would be easier is she was a salary employee. Director Francis stated that the travel expenses are the issue and that the time while she was at Jasco could be covered. Director Dagnan stated that he is all for Kima applying but thinks that it should be the City of Oronogo paying the expenses. Director Dagnan thinks it would be a conflict of interest for Kima and the 911 center. Kima stated that there are 15 spots on the board between Apco/Nena and Missouri 911. The Municipality is the only position available. Director Wilson asked Kima if she would still be willing to take a position on the board if Jasco does not cover expenses or wages? Kima stated that she would still apply, but she would like for leave without pay to be granted so that she does not exhaust her vacation and sick pay. Executive Director Ford asked the board, “if I attend a meeting and have Kima come with me can Jasco cover her expenses?” The board discussed and agreed that if April is going to a meeting and asks Kima to go with her that Kima would be on her own time and not covered by Jasco. Executive Director Ford and the board agreed that conference calls will be covered, as long as it doesn’t interfere with her work at Jasco. Executive Director Ford and the board spoke about the conflict of interest that the board could possibly have with Kima serving and Jasco asking for grants and funding. The board approved that Kima Burnett can go thru the application process and Jasco will not cover travel expenses or hourly wages.
Unfinished Business
Avtec Update
Executive Director Ford stated that we are not paying the final bill for Avtec until the current issues are resolved. April advised the board that she received an email stating that we were in a breach of contract. Amber has pulled the receipts showing payment and April has advised Avtec that we have paid the previous bills, but that we are not making a final payment until the current issues are resolved.
Internet Move Update
Executive Director Ford stated that Cable One has changed their name to Sparklight. Executive Director Ford stated that she has been in contact with Sparklight and she will be getting a lower quote for a 3-year contract for internet. April stated maybe sign contract next month.
Fire East Update
Executive Director Ford stated that the temporary move to the MODOT tower will be happening Friday, and we will go “live” for a couple of weeks. April is not sure if KAMO will let Avilla use the tower or not. KAMO wants Avilla to pay to use the tower now.
UPS Problems/Replacement-Insurance Payment-UPS
Executive Director Ford advised the board that the replacement check has been received, we received $8,574.50. Amber will deposit the check today. April stated that we moved the UPS inside the building. There was an increase in electrician pricing because of the extra conduit. April is having the electrical company print out separate invoices so that the extra work is split and not a part of the insurance claim.
EFD and EPD Protocol
Executive Director Ford went over the quotes for Emergency Fire Dispatch and Emergency Police Dispatch. April stated that if we do quality assurance for EPD/EMD/EFD then we would need to separate the positions. Kima stated that she does 25 every week and sometimes 35 a week. She explained that the supervisors pull the fire and law calls. April stated that she is concerned and would like to consider to have another position for quality assurance. Director Francis asked why would we need to do this. Executive Director Ford explained that if we purchased EFD/EPD it would be so that we have a structured protocol to follow. April believes that it would help during training. She explained how Chairman Fries felt about the protocols and how he thought it might help with confidence and trust between the responders and the dispatchers. April stated that EFD was great when she used it at another dispatch center, but that she has not used EPD. April does not want the way that Jasco dispatches law to change. She does not want to tell the responders to run “hot or cold” to a call. April stated that her fear is the cost of the products and the extra cost for another full time employee. Director Dagnan stated that it is a cop thing to key up the radio and start asking questions immediately. Director Dagnan concern will be the employee cost. April stated that we would have to make another full time position open because we would be on the phone longer.
New Business
Road name change
Executive Director Ford stated that the VFW is wanting to change the name of the road for a memorial. April stated that we will need to put the road name change on hold for now, Mike Runnebaum gathered information. We are waiting to see if they still want to make the change.
Storm and Damage 5/23/19
Executive Director Ford went over the excel spreadsheet that had all of the items that have been purchased as a result of the storm damage. She stated that as of right now we are at $35,795.66. The HVAC expense so far is at $16,099.30, the microwave is at $2,580.00, the tower light is at $1,150.00. April stated that we are still missing data on our recorder from 2/20-5/30. April stated that we have put a letter on file stating that these recordings have been lost and we are waiting for the archive process to be done so that we can audit the recorder. Executive Director Ford stated that if the surge suppressor had black charring on it and we will turn it in on the insurance claim. April stated that we need to have ground checked in case there is any problems from the storm. April stated that the electricians suggest we should have a lightning counter, so that we could see how many times the unit has been struck by lightning. She will look into this for possible future budgets.
Amend Budget 61411- Surge Suppressors/Electrical work
Executive Director Ford stated that she will need to increase item line 61411 in the budget by $45,000.00 so that we can install the surge suppressors, breakers, possible grounding, electrical in EOC for tv’s.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the increase in the budget and to amend budget line 61411 to $45,000.00 Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Amend Budget 61114
Executive Director Ford advised the board that we will be moving the appreciation dinner to September this year. She requests that budget line 61114 be amended to include an additional $850.00.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the increase in the budget and to amend budget line 61114 to include an additional $850.00 to pay for the appreciation dinner. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Century Link
Executive Director Ford advised the board that Century Link had a fiber outage and that E911 went down for Century Link customers.
Lawrence County
Executive Director Ford stated that she sent out the request from Lawrence County in reference to sending in a quote for dispatching services. April stated that she spoke to Chairman Fries and he stated that we did not need to send in a quote to Lawrence County. Director Dagnan stated that Lawrence County wanted to get quotes from other agencies to see what others would charge them for dispatching, so that they could possibly get it cheaper somewhere else. The board agreed that we did not need to take on another agency right now.
Regional Communications Centers- SB291
Executive Director Ford stated that Region D is now region 3 and region A is going to be one type of model for services provided. April stated that when we move to the ESInet we would have to pay for a connection in for access to 911 calls. April is concerned that they may try to send money to 1 PSAP in the region and give that PSAP the power to distribute the money as they see fit. April will be attending a meeting to discuss SB291 on July 16th 2019. April will send it out if anyone wants to go. April is on the RCC committee, and April will invite Ron Richards.
Executive Director Ford advised that she is needing to surplus the damaged UPS.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the UPS for surplus. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Ford advised the board the we still have snakes at the center, and that we have snake droppings in the server room. We are still looking for ways to get rid of the snakes.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for legal action, personnel records and disciplining pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (1) (13) (3).
1:23 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to go into closed session. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:32 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to come out of closed session. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:32 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to adjourn. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13th, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2019____
I, Carl Francis, Treasurer _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________________day of_____________________2019______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.