Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
July 7th, 2020
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m. Meeting was held at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Vice Chairman Tim Wilson, Ron Brewer, James Harrison, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Office Support Clerk Amber Madison and Executive Director April Ford.
No Representing Public
Review and Action of Minutes
Amendment to the agenda: adding discount for Delta Dental and Delta Vision to new business.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the amendment to the agenda. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Open minutes for the Board of Director’s Meeting on June 2nd and June 22nd, 2020 were reviewed.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the meeting minutes for June 2nd, 2020 and June 22nd, 2020. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No Public Comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax for May was received on June 5th, 2020 in the amount of $173,511.19. The sales tax deposit for June was received on July 7th, 2020, in the amount of $181,809.16. We have not received the sales tax check for July.
Total bills submitted for approval today $38,492.47. The Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $10,042.24. Accounts receivable balance: $587.99. (Record Request fee, and Joplin Fiber).
The Money Market account balance is $1,307,526.53.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the financial report and the payment of the Bills. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that Amber got 3 different quotes from tree removal companies. April advised the Board that we have tree limbs that are over grown and hitting the tower. April stated that she will be calling the companies to make sure that their quote includes removing or grinding the stump and to go ahead and remove the entire tree cluster by the electric box. Executive Director Ford advised the Board that we still have a dispute with AT&T and AT&T has stated that within 2-3 billing cycles it should be resolved. April advised the Board that we are not using the Pandemic Tool in EMD yet. We are still screening employees and individuals that come into the center. We are allowing Officers to come into the building for work related business, not just to hang out. Chairman Fries stated that he didn’t believe that anyone from the field or public should be at the Center. April stated that she is fine if an officer needs to come in for a diffusion with approval by her or Brandon, but must leave when it is over. April advised the Board that we are having a problem with the Joplin Health Department sending us the Covid-19 isolation/quarantine information. The Joplin Police Chief and the Joplin Fire Chief told the Joplin Health Department how important it is that JASCO receives this information and the Joplin Health Department stated that they are too busy to give this information to JASCO. April will be working with the Joplin Health Department to try and get this information from them for our Responders. April advised the Board that we have 3 Narcan saves and 1 stork award to present to our Dispatchers. April stated that we will have a ceremony for them once we are allowed to have guests back at the center. April took a citizen’s complaint call, over an address change on the owner’s rental properties. It was noted that the address did not fit into the correct range and the owner refused to make any changes. He was unhappy with the changes and she explained that if he doesn’t update his renters it could make it more difficult for first responders to find their house. She explained that premise alerts were placed on the two properties in question and she informed the property owner of this information. Executive Director Ford advised the Board that she is getting quotes for each individual agency for Netmotion licenses. April recommended that JASCO pay the Netmotion license fee and amend the budget to $5,548.51, just in case we need to pay for the licenses and then send out an MOU for each agency.
Director Brewer motioned to approve the amendment of the budget to $5,600.00 for 8 different agencies and to invoice the agencies for the Netmotion Licenses. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Unfinished Business
Avtec Update
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that JCSO is still waiting on Kurt Bleich for some answers and work that is needed for the AVTEC system and Kurt Bleich and still waiting on the NexEdge tower moves.
Fire East Tower Agreement
Executive Director Ford stated that the Fire East Agreement does have at least two modifications that need to be completed. April stated that Josh Martin is fine with us making the payment on the 15th of the month and he is fine with adding an air conditioner unit to the building and making the building compatibility for us to bring in a generator if it is needed. April advised the Board that the lease will also read that Josh Martin is responsible for keeping the trees trimmed around the building, free of debris and will make sure that we have access to the tower when we need it. The Board also wanted Josh Martin to know that we will not make a payment until we are eligible to put equipment on the tower. Director Harrison asked who would be checking to make sure that the tower building is kept clean of debris and is in working order? April stated that she would be the one that would be checking on the building and she will inspect the tower before we pay. April will add something like pending inspection of the tower. April stated that she will go out to the tower with Josh and have him walk her around and then have Kurt Bleich with Command1 come down and check the tower as well. Director Brewer also agreed to put in the contract that the 1st payment will be executed and begin after a physical inspection of the tower build is completed and after April has approved that the tower is eligible to put the equipment on it. April stated that the tower is in Lawrence county and she is waiting for an address.
Director Wilson motioned to approve for Chairman Jeff Fries to sign the Fire East Tower agreement after the corrections have been added. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Paychex Errors
Executive Director Ford advised the board that we are still waiting on the refund from the state for overpayment of taxes.
NexEdge – Radio Equipment Move
Executive Director Ford stated that we are still waiting on County and City – MOSWIN radios are being tested at this time and Denise with Motorola came out to JASCO and brought a portable radio to see if we could use MOSWIN inside the building. The portable did not work. April suggested to Denise that we could use MOSWIN radio for a few hours a day to test it out.
Building and Grounds Maintenance/Expansion/Parking Lot
Executive Director Ford stated that we are still having high humidity in the back room. April advised that she is hopeful that when we do the expansion that it will take care of the humidity problem. April advised the Boar that Liberty Utilities came out and it will cost approximately $8,006.00 for Liberty to move the electric lines that are in the way of the parking lot expansion. April stated that she would like to go ahead and do the parking lot expansion even if we do not do the expansion of the building right now. Director Harrison agreed that the parking lot needs to be done. April will put an RFP together that will include adding 20 spaces, and a retaining wall.
Director Brewer motioned to approve for April to get quotes from different companies and to do an RFP for the parking lot expansion project. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
MO911SB 9-1-1 Grant Funding
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that she completed and turned in the application for the MO 9-1-1 Service Board Grant, and she will let the Board members know if JASCO receives the grant.
Sale of Surplus Equipment – Gov Deals
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that the IP224’s that were listed on Gov Deals did not sell for the reserve amount that we were asking, however we did have a bid for $2,500.00 and we pay shipping which should only cost about $150.00-$200.00. April asked the Board if they would accept this amount of do they want us to relist it? The Board stated that after they surplus equipment, April can make the decision on what price the equipment is sold for and does not need Board approval.
New Business
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that the County Commission is working on hiring someone to assist with the CARES Act. We currently have two employees that are on quarantine. One employee is waiting on test results and one was exposed to a positive case and is waiting to see if she gets symptoms. The Board discussed the different kinds of testing available and all of the different places you can go and get tested. Director Harrison stated that the antibody test isn’t completely accurate and Director Wilson stated that the antibody test shows Covid 1-8 not 19. April advised the Board that we are still keeping track of all of the Covid-19 related expenses.
FMLA Policy Modification – Prepayment of Insurance
Executive Director Ford request that we modify the FMLA policy. April has spoken to our Attorney Frank Foster and April’s recommendation is that the employee has to have put in 1250 hours during the budget year before they are eligible to apply for FMLA benefits. The employee will need to provide a letter requesting FMLA and medical documentation from their Dr. in order to be considered for FMLA. The Board agreed with April’s recommendation. April also made a recommendation that if an employee pays for insurance over and above what JASCO pays for, then we invoice the employee for their part of the balance on the 15th of the month one month in advance and if the premium is 30 days late then they are discontinued from the insurance. Also, if the employee does not return to work for at least 30 days after receiving FMLA benefits then they will be responsible for reimbursing JASCO for insurance that was paid during this time. The Board agreed with April’s recommendations.
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that we have a Team Leader that is stepping down to a TCO. We will be going through the Team Leader process and possibly promoting a TCO II as well. April advised the Board that she hired Steven Williams back as a full-time employee.
Delta Dental / Vision Premium Discount – COVID
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that Delta Dental and Delta Vision gave a 50% discount back to the customers for one month. We will be passing that discount to the employees on the next payroll.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for legal action, personnel records and evaluations and hiring, firing, disciplining and promoting pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (1) (13) (3).
12:59 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to go into closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Brewer – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:20 p.m. Director Brewer motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Brewer – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:20 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to adjourn. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2020____
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the __________day of_____________________2020______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.