Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
July 2nd, 2024
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. The meeting was held at 13870 Dispatch Ln., Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Harrison, Vice Chairman Alvin Peavler, Director Brandy Corum, Director Dan Stanley, Director Bill Hawkins, Director Steve Weaver, and Director Jeremiah Norton.
Representing staff –Executive Director (ED) Lisa McCool-Rataczak, Systems Manager (SM) Steven Williams, and Operations Manager (OM) Amber Madison
Representing Public –Alan Talkington with TUSA Consulting.
Review and Action of Open Minutes
Director Peavler motioned to approve the minutes of 06/04/2024 with the correction on page 4 regarding 3 bids for the ED Vehicle. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Peavler motioned to approve the minutes of 06/24/2024. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax deposit for June was received on June10th, 2024, in the amount of $ 490,440.84.
Total bills submitted for approval today: $126,876.28.
Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be: $42,226.63.
Accounts receivable balance: $16,435.60 (NetMotion cost share)
The Money Market account balance is: $150,000.00.
The Sweep Account balance is: $8,513,137.92
The Payroll Account balance is: $4,373.81
Director Corum motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director and Department Status Report
Board Training and Next Meeting of the JCESB
Chairman Harrison opened the discussion regarding the next meeting date and the upcoming training for the Board of Directors this training will take approximately 8 hours.
Director Peavler motioned to schedule the upcoming training for August 16th, 2024, at 08:00 a.m. and to schedule the meeting at 3:00 p.m. or immediately following the training. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. Board Training and next meeting set for August 16th, 2024.
Staffing update
ED Rataczak advised the Board that we have 13 new employees in training.
Unfinished Business
Countywide Public Safety Radio System
Radio Project update
SM Williams introduced Alan Talkington with TUSA to the new Board Members. SM Williams advised that the study of the microwave ring is completed. Regarding the Joplin Tower study letter, he will provide more information later in the meeting.
43 Highway Tower
The tower, building, and stoop are all installed. The next steps are installing the fence, all equipment racks are also currently in the building.
Chairman Harrison reminded the newer members of the history of the radio project and how it began.
Sarcoxie Tower
The tower, generator, electrical in the building, antennae mounts are in, waiting on the antennas as they are back ordered.
MSHP Tower
Fiber is installed, the building is in, waiting on the back ordered antennas as well.
Jail Tower
The shelter is in. Nroute is currently installing the racks, generator is in, propane pad is in, everything is moving forward. However, there were 5 places damaged on the jail wall, emergency exit now floods, grading is an issue. The damage to the walls was attempted to be repaired but not correctly, they will be correcting that. There was also a security light damaged that the sub-contractor will be fixing it the cost was $750.
Joplin/MOSWIN Tower
The drone was able to record enough quality video to allow analysis, it would have cost 5-10 times more than the study cost if not for that. The tower will not support our equipment. Alan Talkington advised the Board that the tower may not fall tomorrow, but none of the climbers are willing to climb the tower. We can keep the project going with no additional cost but we can discuss potential future plans. SM Williams advised that the deceased tower owner had represented that all would be fine, however it is not going to be ok. With this tower problem we may have to move the height of the microwave on the dispatch tower. (SM Williams presented a power point presentation to the Board) The power point shows the potential coverage projections from January and now with the non-useable Joplin Tower. It was explained that just because the maps do not show coverage, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t coverage due to the other towers. Alan Talkington reminded the Board that 97 percent coverage is in the contract. This will be coverage that we have if still connected to the State or if disconnected from State.
Discussion regarding which Departments ordered in-vehicle repeaters and further discussion regarding the coverage maps provided.
SM Williams advised that leaving the Joplin Tower as is means that we don’t change anything on the tower, but we will be changing equipment in the building to TDMA.
Alan Talkington noted that a lot of the maps show just the Joplin Tower site. There is not much change in coverage by leaving the antennas as is and upgrading the in-building equipment to TDMA. Motorola will be 96.5 percent portable on the street coverage in urban areas, but rural areas will be 97 percent portable on the street. So, to address the Joplin Microwave that can’t be installed, we can use JASCO to 43 per the study, so the decision arises, to use this as a band aid or temporary fix, or do we want to use this as an opportunity to permanently fix this issue of this potential tower failure. So, for now skip the Joplin tower Microwave and go JASCO Tower to 43 Tower to Jail to Sarcoxie to MSHP and back to Dispatch (JASCO) site. We can still use Joplin because of the State’s fiber connection, using microwave here would have added redundancy in the case of a fiber cut, but we can use the other fiber (for 911 to JASCO used for the Viper) and the State’s fiber to create redundancy and to keep the project on track.
Chairman Harrison asked for the options for permanently fixing this, in the case that the Joplin Tower falls and cannot be used or failed during a disaster.
Alan Talkington advised option 1, use the fiber as existing and continue to use as is going forward. Option 2, build a tower, possible locations are Carl Junction, possibly Snowball area.
Director Norton suggested to use a tower that Joplin could also use.
SM Williams advised there are three options for building a tower, Carl Junction Fire Station 2, City of Joplin has property at Belle and Black Cat. The current elevation of the Joplin Tower is 1027 ft, the City owned property is 927 ft elevation. Third option, Jasper County Rural Water- Central City 290 blk would need groundwork, S of Fir near water tower. With these options, the State has shown interest in vacating the failing tower.
Alan Talkington then advised-The last option is of course no build, keep the temporary microwave point plan. Alan recommends continue w/Joplin TDMA, accept the .5 percent decrease of coverage, lack of redundancy, this allows the schedule to continue, talk to the City of Joplin about a new tower. Motorola is going to ask for relief in the contract for 96.5 percent and request to modify the contract.
Overtime Compensation
OM Madison advised the Board that it has been going well but there has been a lot of overtime.
Alan Talkington with TUSA left the meeting at 3:37 p.m.
HVAC Replacement Progress
OM Madison advised the Board that Satterlee will be coming back to the Center to replace some equipment that isn’t working properly. She also advised the Board that Chairman Harrison has advised not to pay Satterlee until the work has been completed.
AT&T Jasco/Joplin Connection
ED Rataczak advised the Board that the speed has not yet been increased, so this is not complete.
MindBase Responder Wellness
OM Madison advised that the agreement will only be for one year not the original three years as quoted initially.
Director Norton motioned to approve the MindBase Contract for one year. Director Corum seconds the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
ED Vehicle purchase
ED Rataczak presented quotes to the Board. Discussion regarding options of vehicles, ED Rataczak directed to find a 2024 Chevrolet Traverse LS AWD for around $36,000. Director Harrison will authorize purchase when found.
Director Corum motioned for ED Rataczak to find a 2024 vehicle that matches our specifications and needs for around $36,040.00. Once Lisa finds the vehicle, she will call Chairman Harrison to get approval. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Building and Grounds Repair/Maintenance
ED Rataczak advised that DJ Painting Services has given us a quote to clean, repair, paint the outside maintenance area. The quote that we received was $1,000.00 over the approved amount from the June meeting. The Board discussed and approved the additional work.
Director Norton motioned to approve the additional work. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
2023 Audit
Chairman Harrison asked if there were any questions regarding the completed audit. Nothing heard.
Director Norton made a motion to approve the final 2023 Audit. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Priority Dispatch One Plan
OM Madison advised and updated the new Board with what the Dispatch One Plan consisted of. As previously discussed, the quote was finally received from Priority Dispatch to combine all training, and certifications, licensing, and attendance at the Navigator Conference into one bill. It is reflective of the amount that we have currently been paying for these items. OM Madison advised the Board that we have been paying roughly $59,000.00 a year for protocol training, recertifications and software. Moving to the one plan would give us so much more for a smaller cost. OM Madison advised the Board that this price would be locked in for 5 years.
Director Corum motioned to approve $61,417 contract but can remove the unneeded item. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
New Business:
Policy Modifications
OM Madison presented a policy change for guaranteed vacation. The current policy states that vacation will be picked based off seniority. OM Madison discussed the schedule pick with the Board, and discussed how we currently pick shifts based on seniority, overtime worked, sick time, and quality assurance scores. Madison requested that we use the same scoring guide for the guaranteed vacation policy.
Director Peavler motioned to approve the requested policy changes. Director Norton seconded. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Surplus of Property
ED Rataczak presented items that should be considered as surplus property. Consisting of a lawn mower, office chairs, and a picnic table.
Director Stanley motioned to surplus the requested property. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
OM Madison advised the new Board members of our current stipend policy. Madison requested changes to the trainer stipend in the amount of $25 per month since we will be having 13 new trainees and we only have 5 stipend positions. She requested to change the stipend to $25.00 a month for anyone that has a trainee. She advised the Board that once this round of trainees are trained we could then go back to the five stipend positions for training.
Director Norton motioned to approve the trainer stipend. Director Corum seconded. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Camera discussion as part of radio project
The camera quotes reviewed in the previous meeting were rediscussed due to not being available on Amazon. The cameras are needed for security as the equipment is on site at most of the tower locations.
Director Peavler motioned to accept the lowest quote in the amount of $15,553.01. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Corum motioned to go into closed session for the purposes of attorney correspondence and personnel records at 4:30 pm. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Peavler – In Favor
Corum – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
Hawkin – In Favor
Weaver – In Favor
Norton – In Favor
Director Norton made a motion to return to open session. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0 the motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 16th, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2024
I, Alvin Peavler, Vice Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for__July 02, 2024_________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2024
I, Brandy Corum, Secretary __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for_July 02, 2024_________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.