Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
August 16th, 2024
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. The meeting was held at Carthage Fire Station 2 3000 S Main Street. Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Harrison, Vice Chairman Alvin Peavler, Director Dan Stanley, Director Bill Hawkins, Director Steve Weaver, and Director Jeremiah Norton.
Representing staff –Executive Director (ED) Lisa McCool-Rataczak, Deputy Director (DD) Brandon McClintock, and Operations Manager (OM) Amber Madison
Representing Public –April Ford with Springfield Greene County 911.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
Financial Report and payment of bills read by ED Rataczak
The sales tax deposit for July was received on July 5th, 2024, in the amount of $495,769.53.
Total bills submitted for approval today: $500,547.53.
Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be: $35,057.56.
Accounts receivable balance: $2,259.50 (NetMotion cost share)
The Money Market account balance is: $150,000.00.
The Sweep Account balance is: $8,808,349.65
The Payroll Account balance is: $3,138.79
Director Norton motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director and Department Status Report
ED Rataczak advised the Board that we have the Sam’s credit card approval, and we will be receiving our credit cards in the mail. ED Rataczak advised the Board that we have not been able to change the Visa bank cards as of today. Lisa advised that she is working on getting this resolved.
DD McClintock advised the Board that we had an employee that administered the Heimlich maneuver over the phone resulting in saving the pt life. The employee received a certificate, a pin, and a lifesaver heart that is on display in the hallway.
DD McClintock stated that we lost 2 full time employees, and 2 full time employees came back to JASCO. OM Madison advised the Board that we had a Family Peer Support dinner at JASCO. It was a big success; we had a great turn out and it was well received by everyone. DD McClintock advised the Board that our call volume has decreased by 6.629% from last year until now. DD McClintock advised the Board that we had our kickoff meeting on August 1st for the Mind base App, and we are in the process of gathering data and designing the app. We should go live with Mind base mid-September. DD McClintock advised the Board that we have the Priority One Plan in place for $58,000.00. Brandon went over what the plan consists of and that we have had new employees use it and they liked it.
Unfinished Business
Countywide Public Safety Radio System
DD McClintock updated the Board with the status of all three tower sites. He advised that we were waiting for Liberty to install electric at both 43 highway and Sarcoxie tower site. DD McClintock advised that TUSA will charge JASCO $25,000.00 to write the RFP for the new tower site on Belle Center.
Director Norton motioned to amend the agenda to list and approve the open and closed meeting minutes for June 4th, 2024, June 24th, 2024, July 2nd, 2024, and July 29th, 2024. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Updated AT&T Springfield/Greene Fiber Agreement
ED Rataczak advised the Board that the MOU is ready and has been approved by the attorney.
Director Peavler motioned to accept and sign the MOU between AT&T/Springfield Greene County. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Countywide Public Safety Radio System
Chairman Harrison went over the hold harmless letter with the Board, in reference to the possible new tower site on Belle Center. Chairman Harrison and ED Rataczak advised the Board that our Attorney has approved the letter and the hold harmless agreement between Joplin and JASCO.
ED Rataczak advised the Board that pagers have arrived, and we are in the process of GIS validation. Lisa stated hopefully we can get a grant and SDR can help with this process.
Overtime Compensation
DD McClintock advised the Board that no one has been abusing the overtime policy.
HVAC Replacement Progress
DD McClintock advised the Board that the HVAC system is up and running like it should be, the bill has been paid less the amount of a table that was damaged during the installation of the system.
Buildings and Grounds Repair/Maintenance
DD McClintock advised the Board that all of the painting has been completed on the outside of the building. Administration staff and the Board discussed making the outside of the building more appealing by adding landscaping and a gazebo for the employees to enjoy.
Director Peavler authorized $5,000.00 to be used for the purchase of a gazebo and landscaping. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
New Business:
Policy Modifications
DD McClintock advised the Board that he split the job descriptions for Training Coordinator and Quality Assurance Coordinator. He advised the Board that this used to be one position, and now we have the job duties split.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Job descriptions for Training Coordinator and Quality Assurance Coordinator. Director Hawkins seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
At 3:47pm. ED Rataczak’s son and husband joined the meeting, at 3:48pm Lisa’s husband left the meeting.
ED Rataczak advised the Board that she would like to modify the bereavement leave policy. She advised the Board of the current policy. The changes that she wishes to make would be to have 3 days of bereavement leave for immediate family which would include the current immediate family as listed in current policy. However, it would not take any sick time/vacation time out of your leave balance. The Board discussed taking off the 1-day bereavement leave for extended family. The Board advised for Lisa to bring the policy back to the next meeting for more discussion and approval.
Stipend Wages
OM Madison advised the Board that she misspoke at the last Board meeting in reference to stipend wages for training. OM Madison gave the Board 3 options for continuing stipend pay for trainers. The Board discussed all the options and advised that they would approve $100.00 per month per trainer up to 10 trainers. Once we have the trainees released and, on the floor, then we would return to the normal 6 stipend positions for training.
Director Weaver motioned to approve the trainer stipend wage of $100.00 a month for training a new hire. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Sales Tax Rate Approval
ED Rataczak advised the Board that we need to discuss keeping the 1 quarter of a cent sales tax rate the same or adjust the rate. The Board discussed and they advised to keep the sales tax rate the same.
Director Stanley motioned to keep the current sales tax rate. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
NetMotion (Carthage Police Department)
ED Rataczak advised that Carthage Police Department has requested 10 more Netmotion licenses.
Director Peavler motioned to approve the purchase of the 10 additional Netmotion licenses for Carthage Police Department and to invoice the agency the cost of the licenses. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 5-1 (Bill Hawkins abstained). The motion was adopted.
Chairman Harrison read his resignation letter to the Board. The Board and James Harrison discussed James’s resignations, and they discussed having Greg Dagnan coming onto the Board in James place.
Director Norton motioned to add Board Chairman Resignation to the agenda and to accept the resignation of Board Chairman Harrison effective immediately. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 3rd, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2024
I, Alvin Peavler, Vice Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for__August 16th, 2024_________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2024
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for_August 16th, 2024_________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.