Board of Directors Special Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
June 3rd, 2014
Vice – Chairman Tim Wilson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Vice – Chairman Wilson were Carl Francis, Ron Brewer, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Executive Director April Tarrant and Administrative Services Manager McGee Stoller. Public Attendees were applicants for the Eastern District Board Director position; James Harrison and Chris Thompson.
Review and Action of Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on May 6th, 2014 open and closed session were reviewed.
Director Stanley motioned to approve minutes for the May 6th, 2014 open and closed session. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
Nothing to report at this time.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for April was received in the amount of $146,803.88. We have not received the sales tax check for May.
Recent bills paid online 05/16/14 totaled $23,700.03. Total bills submitted for approval $34,228.54. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $19,255.67. The money market account balance is $377,040.28.
Accounts receivable balance is $2,916.67. The checkbook balance after receipt of accounts receivable will be $22,172.34.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of Bills. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Committee Report
Nothing to report at this time.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Tarrant did add to the attached report that they will be hosting WebEOC training, Mules MCT training, ETC training for Bates County 911 possibly and that Carthage Water & Electric has required a change in all static IP addresses, causing some down time, (possibly 2 days) while JASCO and NeoTech go out to touch each MCT on the JASCO system to make changes. All agencies will be notified.
New Business
Eastern District Board Director Position
Executive Director Tarrant introduced James Harrison and Chris Thompson applicants for the Eastern District Board Director position. Both were allowed time to ask and answer questions regarding their interest in the Board position. After a discussion by the Board a special meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday June 11th at 12:45 to make a decision on the applicants. Executive Director Tarrant stated she would make contact with both applicants after that meeting.
Text to 9-1-1
Executive Director Tarrant reported to the Board by May 15, 2014 the four major cell phone carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless) are committed to making SMS Text for 9-1-1 available to 9-1-1 Centers. Currently if someone sends a text message to 9-1-1 they receive a bounce back message that this feature is not currently available. She stated we should spend time researching Text to 9-1-1 and products before we jump in and push this capability out. She requested permission from the Board to put out a survey to Jasper County Chiefs and department heads and begin a public outreach project regarding text to 9-1-1.
Smart 911
Executive Director Tarrant presented information on Smart 911. Smart 911 is a product which could sits on the software that we will use to receive Text to 9-1-1. She discussed how a person would create a profile with contact information; name, address, picture of their family, house, etc. and when they call 9-1-1 from their registered phone(s) the 9-1-1 center could receive their profile information that they completed. This is free to citizens, but costs nearly $20,000 to $25,000 annually. There is a need for this kind of information. It is protected by the vendor, but allows for the delivery of the profile, as the 911 call is received. She further explained that the vendor reaches out to each customer with a profile asking them to update it every 4 months. In the event the profile is not updated by 6 months, the profile is not deleted, but it is also not delivered to the 911 center with the call in an effort to keep the information current. She stated this would be beneficial to our center as we don’t always receive accurate caller information from a cell phone. JCSO and JASCO sat in on demonstrations of this product and are researching grants and other opportunities for purchase.
Backup Internet for Consolidation / Hosting Equipment
Executive Director Tarrant reported to the Board she is waiting on quote from Carthage Water and Electric for back up internet for a new strand of fiber and that she will look into options with Joplin on the fiber connection there to have a fail over for the important items that are currently running with internet. She further reported to the Board regarding a meeting she had with Senator Ron Richard. She and Senator Richard met and discussed the past two years of attempted legislation changes to include wireless funding and pre-paid cell phone funding for MO 911. He had questions regarding the current situation with Joplin and JASCO and after the discussion, she reported that since there has been a delay and some problems moving forward, Senator Richard offered to help. He requested an additional meeting scheduled for later this month with JASCO, the City of Joplin, the County Commission and the Sheriff to move along the consolidation process. She will keep Chairman Fries informed of the meeting date and times so he may represent and she informed that the Board may want another member to attend for support. She further explained the meeting with Senator Richard included discussion of consolidation work to be done with other neighboring counties. She informed the Board that she has reached out to Barton Co 911 and their Presiding Commissioner since their 911 equipment is down and offered to discuss the possibilities of hosting their 911 equipment, consolidating their 911 call taking, or helping them with their bidding process. She has not hear anything further from Barton Co at this point. She also stated that she was informed from someone that Lawrence Co 911 may be interested in one of these options since their equipment is failing or at end of life. Nothing has been heard from Lawrence Co yet. She will keep the Board informed of any developments on further consolidation proposals.
Unfinished Business
ID Badge Machine
Executive Director Tarrant reported to the Board Sheriff Kaiser with JCSO stated we could use their ID Badge Machine to make JASCO and JCSO badges until we are able to purchase a new machine of our own. Executive Director Tarrant stated that if this is something the Board wants to continue to do, she thinks a fee ($3) would be appropriate to charge agencies, with exception to JCSO, when providing badges to help reimburse JASCO for the cost of supplies and upkeep of the machine. She further reported that this ID Badge machine is obsolete and it could be a matter of time before it would need to be replaced. She further expressed her interest in just having our JASCO employee badges made by JCSO and forgo the previous responsibility of making badges all together. Director Francis stated he agreed with Director Dagnan’s statement from the May meeting and did not see a need for JASCO to provide badges to other agencies. After discussion by the Board as a new ID Badge Machine is not in the budget for this year they opt not to continue making badges for other agencies and would like to take JCSO up on their offer to make JASCO employee badges.
Executive Director Tarrant presented the Board a list of three items she would like to surplus. See attached surplus list.
Director Brewer motioned to surplus the three items added to the surplus list. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Tarrant presented for review a copy of the agreement our attorney prepared as she has not heard anything back for the Joplin City’s Attorney. She inquired with the Board if they would like her to move forward with our agreement by sending it on to Mr. Edwards for review or to wait until she is able to make contact with the Joplin City Attorney. After discussion by the Board they advised to send our copy of the agreement in attempt to open a line of communication. Director Francis further suggested she talk with Chief Burns about the possibility of consolidating their 911 calls and dispatching them to their dispatchers as another possible solution in the event they decide not to consolidate or complete the full merger. She will get the agreement sent to Mr. Edwards and then schedule some time to speak with Chief Burns.
6:25 p.m. Director Francis motioned to adjourn. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
On the_____________ day of ______________________20______
I, Tim Wilson Vice – Chairman__________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ____________day of________________________20________
I, Dan Stanley – Secretary__________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.