Board of Directors Special Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
February 3rd, 2015
Chairman at Large Jeff Fries called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries were Carl Francis, James Harrison, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Executive Director April Tarrant. There were no Public Attendees.
Review and Action of Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on January 6th open and closed session were reviewed.
Director Francis motioned to approve minutes for the January 6th, 2015 open and closed session. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
Nothing to report at this time.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for December was received in the amount of $ 168,204.54. We have not received the sales tax check for January.
Recent bills paid online totaled $6,137.92. Total bills submitted for approval $46,279.43. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $21,738.44. The money market account balance is $420,692.43.
Accounts receivable balance is $2,916.67. The checkbook balance after receipt of accounts receivable will be $24,655.11.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of Bills. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report – Executive Director Tarrant reminded the board of the importance of filing the Missouri Ethics Commission Personal Financial Disclosure before May 1st and of the penalty for being late.
Committee Reports
Service Committee
Nothing to report at this time.
New Business
Retired Assets for Surplus
Executive Director Tarrant distributed a list of items for surplus, (see attached list) and notified the board to add old blue lobby chairs to their list. She reported on each item to be destroyed and notified the board that the county had not scheduled an auction for this year. There was some discussion over how to handle the sale of the items on the list. Chairman Fries suggested that the items to be sold would be listed with pictures and added to a book and advertised amongst all Jasper County public safety agencies and they could be advised to come in and place a bid on the items they are interested in. He stated that the Executive Director could run the bids for a specific amount of time and award the bids based on highest bid amount received for each item.
Director Harrison motioned to make a book of items for sale and bid and advertise it to the Jasper County public safety government agencies by email and accept the highest bid. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued that this did not need to be brought to the board, just kept on file. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
April 2nd Payroll
Executive Director Tarrant requested to process the April 2nd payroll with ADP early in an effort to have it ready before the Missouri Public Safety Conference since the OM, ASM, and she will be working the conference. She explained that they will have their time cards in early and the payroll will still hit the accounts on Thursday at 00:01, but the money would be moved from the Money Market account on Friday to the Payroll account instead of Monday. Director Francis just wanted to make sure there would be no changes for payroll that would affect the early processing date. ASM Stoller will confirm this prior to submitting.
Job Description Policy Update
All job descriptions were presented at the meeting to approve the removal of the 2 page competencies. This was removed in an effort to shorten the job descriptions. Policies presented for modification were the job descriptions for the following positions; ASM, CTO, OM, SM, TAC, TCO, TCO II, TL, TC/EMD Q.
Director Francis motioned to approve the changes to all of the job descriptions presented. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
HB 714 – Support Letter
Executive Director Tarrant reported that HB 714 was filed by Representative Lauer again this year, but with some changes to require more consolidation. She summarized the bill and explained that the enabling part of the legislation, if passed would not help Jasper County initially, but may in the future. The pre-paid wireless funding source would assist Jasper County, but the percentage is unknown currently. She has written a letter of support on behalf of the JCESB, as they did last year and is requesting the JCESB to show written support to be signed by Chairman Fries.
Director Harrison motioned to prepare and send the letter of support for HB 714. Director Standley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
CAD Conversion with Joplin
Executive Director Tarrant informed the board of a discussion that occurred at the previous police chief’s meeting regarding Joplin wanting us to look into the full CAD conversion now. They may have some funding to assist with some of the cost. She explained that she has been negotiating the original quote, which is currently at $120,080.00 but there would an expense for the hardware and upgrading memory. She explained how this conversion would help all field units and how it would work for the telecommunicators. She was asking for approval to move forward and investigate all associated costs to bring back to the board and Joplin for possible approval. She also explained that the board would not be taking responsibility for Joplin’s CAD, RMS, Mobile, or any other licenses or maintenance.
Director Francis motioned to give Executive Director Tarrant the ability to investigate any and all costs to make the CAD conversion between Joplin and JASCO and to come back to both Joplin and JASCO to discuss splitting the cost in half, but not taking over maintenance or any other licensing costs. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
NexEdge Countywide Radio System Equipment and Procedures
Executive Director Tarrant explained the current state of the countywide radio system and that the Sheriff’s Office is moving forward soon on the infrastructure. She explained that this is something that will only be partially funded by the Sheriff’s Office and that he will likely be handling the equipment for the law agencies, but that JASCO would be responsible for any equipment associated with the Fire and possibly EMS agencies. Currently this could include items like the IP224, coax cable, antenna, programming the consoles, etc. JASCO previously purchased some radios to use as control stations and has budgeted for the tower survey. She explained they may need a tower engineering study completed on the weight of the tower if the vendor expresses concern or a need to do so and the budget will need to be amended accordingly. She also explained that they will need to change procedures for all agencies dispatched due to the excessive amount of talk groups that will be available to field responders and the lack of personnel to monitor such, as well as the 6 fire departments that will remain on the analog convention radio system that belongs to JASCO for now. This will overwhelm the Fire/EMS telecommunicator if they are expected to monitor fire traffic on their private channels or talk groups. She is looking into modeling the Springfield/Greene County dispatching procedures. She explained how this process works and that they only monitor the incident commander on the main dispatch channels and move all traffic to operation talk groups for control of the radio. This is something Chairman Fries agrees with and he will be working on the new procedures with Tarrant and a group of personnel and Chief’s who are serving on an interoperability communications committee to work these procedures out.
The board expressed their support for both the expense and the new procedures. Final cost and procedures will be brought to board for discussion and approval.
Unfinished Business
Lighting Project
Executive Director Tarrant reported to the Board that Empire has tentatively approved the $7,000 match and she asked for approval on the $7,000 deposit (not budgeted since it was scheduled for the end of 2014) to be delivered to BrightErgy to begin the project.
Director Harrison motioned to approve the $7,000 check for payment on the project deposit. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Phone Lines / PRI
There was no updates to report. Waiting on AT&T meeting for information on the PRI v’s Flex IP system.
Board Room Quote – Tables / Chairs
A quote from Four State Office Supply was presented for 9 board chairs and 8 tables to replace the current tables and board chairs in the EOC. This quote totaled $3,493.83. The training chairs that fold will be presented at the end of the year based on budget availability.
Director Stanley motioned to accept the quote for $3,493.83 from Four State Office Supply for the tables and chairs. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Service Agreement
There was no updates to report.
1:23 p.m. Director Stanley motioned to adjourn. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_____________ day of ______________________20______
I, Jeff Fries – Chairman at Large_____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ____________day of________________________20________
I, Dan Stanley – Secretary ____________________________________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.