Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
October 3rd, 2017
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Tim Wilson, Dan Stanley, Carl Francis, Ron Brewer, James Harrison and Greg Dagnan arrived at 12:10 pm. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison and Executive Director April Tarrant. Representing Public was Chelsea Finn, Mike Runnebaum, Kima Burnett, and Gretchen Bolander with KODE.
Review and Action of Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on September 5th, 2017 were reviewed.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve both the open and closed meeting minutes for September 5th 2017. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Dagnan entered the meeting at 12:10 pm and the board reviewed the minutes while Executive Director Tarrant was reviewing her report.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for August was received on September 15th in the amount of $164,887.25.
The Missouri Department of Revenue is in the process of implementing a new Integrated Tax System. It required them to adjust the August distribution. August distribution was from August 1st– August 28th 2017. The next distribution will be in October and it will include tax collections from August 29th, 2017-September 29th 2017.
Total bills submitted for approval today $45,155.96. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $32,599.19 (medical reimbursement is in the account, awaiting distribution.) The money market account balance is $1,111,237.21.
Accounts receivable balance is $0.00.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
- Executive Director Tarrant reviewed her report, highlighting that Joplin is adding 2 new stations to the XT911 servers. They failed to notify JASCO of this change, so Executive Director Tarrant is working on clarification of the written agreement and understand how this will modify our database and anything else. Executive Director Tarrant will be working with ComTech today to determine what will be needed and how this will affect JASCO’s servers.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that there is no updates about the GIS flyover.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that the missing VISA card was found in the supply closet under boxes.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that the insurance rates have been released from Southwest Insurance Agency for review.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that Anthem will be standing behind the same Health Insurance plan we currently have. JASCO is just waiting on our new rates for budget.
- Executive Director Tarrant went over the current policy for JCSO wrecker request. JCSO previously stopped using non-preference wreckers from a rotation and now they tell us what wrecker to call as preference or sometimes ask us to determine who the next closest wrecker is from their AVL location. Executive Director Tarrant stated that legal counsel has advised against JASCO doing this. The Jasper County Emergency Services Board discussed this and questioned if the deputies had access to and knew how to use the wrecker location map layer. Mike Runnebaum stated that if they do not have access to it he could go out to the computers and give each deputy access to the layer. Executive Director Tarrant stated that she will ask JCSO if they prefer a list for wreckers with their complete contact information on it or if they want to be taught how to use the wrecker layer on the MDT. At 12:10pm Director Dagnan came in. Director Wilson and the board agreed that we should not be picking the wrecker for the agency.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that Steven Williams has returned from MSHP.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that Kelsey Talbert is moving to reserve status, she will work near full time weekly. She will be scheduled for up to 29 hours. At this time Talbert will not be working at another agency.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that Patricia Lafever will be staying with our center for now, she did not get hired for the job with Independence PD.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that JASCO will be hosting a COMT class at the center in November.
- Executive Director Tarrant would like to have some board member training. Executive Director Tarrant would like to provide each board member with training that is more in depth about JASCO, and to see if anyone has any suggestions for JASCO. Executive Director Tarrant went over some of the Spring Conference- it will be in St. Louis from March 4th-7th Executive Director Tarrant would like to know if any board members would be interested in attending.
- Executive Director Tarrant stated that JASCO will be replacing the CAD workstations soon. We have been testing in a virtual environment.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that the fire west repeater had to be swapped out with our non-trunked NexEdge repeater. The old Master III repeater and amplifier are with Command One being repaired.
- Executive Director Tarrant advised that the tower light is working again, so we are holding off on replacing the equipment. We have already purchased the equipment and will retain it until it is needed.
- Executive Director Tarrant met with FCC Chairman Pai in Joplin on September 20th regarding interoperability and the Tornado Recovery.
Unfinished Business
2018 Aerial Photography
Executive Director Tarrant advised that we have not heard anything from Chase Fisher in reference to the Aerial Photography.
Use Tax/Sales Tax on Out of State Purchases
Executive Director Tarrant went over the Board’s inability to impose a Use tax for Out of State purchases. She found out from Department of Revenue that only the county can impose the Use Tax. We could impose a sales tax on Out of State purchases of motor vehicles, boats, and trailers, but Director Dagnan is concerned that the cost of putting on the ballot would be too great. Director Dagnan and the board agreed that the deadline is coming up and we need to decide if we are getting this on the ballot or not. Executive Director Tarrant advised that she would put together a “cost report” for this. The sales tax would be good until 01/2019, but the deadline to put it on the ballot is 11/2018.
Radio Console Project
Executive Director Tarrant advised that Motorola is being demonstrated. Joplin uses Motorola and Executive Director Tarrant feels like we should see what they have to offer and if they can work with both NexEdge and the P25 system, look at the costs feasibility and to see how it would work if they are consolidating. Executive Director Tarrant has scheduled a meeting with Motorola next week.
New Business
Life Saver Award- Chelsea Finn
Executive Director Tarrant introduced Chelsea Finn to the Board and the media. Chelsea is being recognized for saving a life. Chelsea gave CPR instructions and proper EMD over the phone and the patient went to the hospital and has made a full recovery. Chelsea was given a lifesaver pin and a framed award.
Service Award – Mike Runnebaum
Executive Director Tarrant introduced Mike Runnebaum to the board and to the media. Mike was given a plaque for 20 years of service. He was commended for all of his hard work and dedication to the center.
Service Agreement with METS for the Superion CAD RMS Interface
Superion and METS is wanting JASCO to pay for the service agreement between them for the year of 2018. This contract will be a year to year contract and it will be paid month to month with the dispatching fees. The total cost for the service agreement is $1200.00, this will be split up into 12 monthly payments.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the Service agreement with METS for the Superion CAD RMS interface. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Director Harrison abstained from the vote.
Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Service Agreement with City of Carthage
Executive Director Tarrant went over the contingent plan for dispatching for the City of Carthage. JASCO will have a 6 month trial period. Starting partially in the end of October and fully in January 2018. Director Dagnan stated that there will be a $10,000-$12,000.00 start-up cost on his side and it will be covered by Carthage Police Department. Executive Director Tarrant stated that Carthage Police Department will have a CAD console like Webb City Police Department so that they can see our CAD and so that we can see what calls they enter for service.
Director Brewer motioned to approve Executive Director Tarrant to execute the Service Agreement between the City of Carthage and JASCO. Director Francis seconded the motion. Director Harrison, Director Dagnan, and Director Fries abstained from the vote.
Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Insurance Renewal
Executive Director Tarrant discussed the previously approved insurance cost to the Board. Executive Director Tarrant stated that the budget will need to be amended for this year by $489.00. Executive Director Tarrant also stated that Anthem will be letting us continue our current Health insurance plan, but rates are not currently known. JASCO will be having open enrollment in October and December 2017.
Director Francis motioned to approve the budget amendment. . Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Equipment added to XT911 at Joplin PSAP.
Executive Director Tarrant stated that Joplin is installing 2 new work stations and they did not tell us about this. Executive Director Tarrant will be on a phone call at 2:00pm today with ComTech to make sure that it doesn’t affect JASCO adversely through replication or data storage. Executive Director Tarrant hopes that we can get 2 more years out of the call handling equipment. Executive Director Tarrant notified Joplin again that ComTech has not been selling call handling equipment and that the industry talk is that they are getting out of that business. She further advised that in Region D, 6 other PSAPs are working together to share hosted equipment like we do with Joplin and she will be watching this and keep us updated on their progress.
Policy- Chain of Command
Executive Director Tarrant went over the handout that shows JASCO’S new chain of command policy. The new chart meets the standards for accreditation. Executive Director Tarrant advised that we needed to add the quality control command structure for the accreditation.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the new Chain of Command policy. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Rehire-Benefits and start date
Executive Director Tarrant stated that Steven Williams left 4 weeks ago, but he has returned to the center. Executive Director Tarrant advised that Williams previous start date was 8/1/2016 and he did receive a merit increase in July 2017. Executive Director Tarrant is needing to know what the Board would like to do in regards to benefits for employees who are re-hired like this. Executive Director Tarrant advised that she has never had an employee come back so soon. The Board stated that we need to be consistent and it was agreed by all that if you leave then you start over as if you are a new employee, unless you meet the current requirements to be paid for experience.
Medical Reimbursement
Executive Director Tarrant discussed that the center has received a check for Medical Loss Rebate Ratio for the year of 2016. Executive Director Tarrant recommends that JASCO gives the current employees that paid into their insurance for the year of 2016, their percentage of the reimbursement check.
Director Francis motioned to approve the Medical Reimbursement checks for the current employees and former employees. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for personnel records and hiring, firing, disciplining and promoting pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (13) (3).
12:47 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to go into closed session. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Roll Call: Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Brewer – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
12:52 p.m. Director Fries motioned to come out of closed session. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Roll Call: Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Brewer – In Favor
Harrison – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
After coming out of closed session Executive Director Tarrant referred back to the previous discussion about the consolidation with Carthage Police Department. She went over the particulars on how the consoles will be working in regards to the new hires and the schedule for taking on Carthage Police Department. Director Fries advised that all of the shifts are different but c shift is the busiest. Executive Director Tarrant stated that she thinks that JASCO will be fine, we are staffing up and we will have one person working Carthage Police Department around-the-clock. Director Francis and Director Tarrant are worried that the new employees might not stay. Director Francis inquired about what the difference between JCSO and Carthage Police Department when it comes to traffic. Director Dagnan and Executive Director Tarrant both stated that Carthages’ traffic has higher numbers than JCSO. Director Dagnan stated that he thinks that Carthage Police Department will be fine, and the transition will be good.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2017_
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman, _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the __________day of_____________________2017_
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.