Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
December 4th, 2018
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Tim Wilson, Carl Francis, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Executive Director April Ford and Office Support Clerk Amber Madison.
No representing public.
Review and Action of Minutes
Open minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on November 6th 2018 were reviewed.
Director Francis motioned to approve the open meeting minutes for November 6th, 2018. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No public comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax for October was received on November 8th 2018 in the amount of $132,630.20 We have not received the sales tax check for November.
Total bills submitted for approval today $64,086.03.
The Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $27,788.60.
Accounts receivable balance: $1,216.59. (Joplin Fiber, and Carthage Police Dept. (server racks).
The Money Market account balance is $743,910.44.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford reviewed her report and advised that we needed to remove Delta Dental from the agenda under new business. Executive Director Ford stated that regarding 190.460 RSMo, they are working on cleaning up the language regarding the pre-paid wireless 911 fee (HB1456). Executive Director Ford reminded the board that they decided not to opt out on this legislation and stated that Department of Revenue is now saying that it is not their responsibility to notify retailers/businesses of the new information in reference to the new legislation. Executive Director Ford and Director Francis discussed that the reason they could see DOR not wanting to participate in notifying businesses is because they are not receiving any money for notifying the businesses. Executive Director Ford is hopeful that changes in this legislation can improve this with the rewrite of the bill.
New Business
Administrator Agreement
Executive Director Ford stated to move this to the end of the meeting in the event they planned to discuss her performance review in executive session.
Building Modification
Executive Director Ford stated that she has been working on quotes for a company to come in and remove the wallpaper, texture and paint the walls in the front lobby, eoc, administration area, Operations Manager’s office and the IT office. She stated that two companies came in and gave quotes, April reviewed the quotes with the board and the board suggested to get one more quote. Director Wilson mentioned A.B.E painting. Executive Director Ford stated that we will work on getting a third quote and make a decision before the end of the year.
Lease Agreement for Tower Space
Executive Director Ford stated that she will need approval for three agreements. Executive Director Ford stated that she has been working with Chief Dagnan regarding Carthage Water and Electric and the Jasper County Sheriff Randee Kaiser to find out what the cost would be for a microwave link to be set up at their towers. Executive Director Ford stated that in the beginning Carthage Water and Electric stated they could assist, but did not mention costs related. It appears that CW&EP will possibly charge an installation fee, possibly a monthly fee and possibly an escort fee and/or an annual lease fee. Executive Director Ford stated that if we go to the Joplin tower it would be $300.00 a month and they need to complete a tower study first. Director Francis inquired if Jasco could use the Webb City tower. Director Francis stated that they will be putting up a connection for the NexEdge, possibly on the cities tower. The board discussed using the Webb City tower as a secondary tower once it is up and running with the new server, and using the Sheriff’s office detention tower as the primary. Executive Director Ford stated that six antennas will also need to be on the tower for backup purposes. Executive Director Ford said Attorney Frank Foster has prepared and agreement for CW&EP’s review, but they will need to modify it. Executive Director Ford stated that she is needing approval from the board to move forward with working on the agreements. The board agreed that she could move forward with working on the agreements. Executive Director Ford advised that Sheriff Randee Kaiser is willing to let Jasco go on the detention site tower and put up 6 antennas at no charge. This would be the best site for a primary link for Jasco to the NexEdge system and Carthage Water and Electric may be a secondary unless they cannot come to an agreement and need to move to the Joplin/Black Cat tower or in the future, to the Webb City tower. The board agreed that Executive Director Ford could move forward with the project to negotiate the agreements.
Director Wilson motioned to approve that Executive Director Ford could continue working on the project, sign and execute the agreement to have Jasper County Sheriff’s Office detention tower be the primary link and for Carthage Water and Electric to be the secondary, if happy with the terms of the agreement. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
- Insurance Responsibility for work and equipment
Executive Director Ford stated that all configuration is worked into the quote from Command 1. Command 1 is insured but wanted to have insurance for the jail tower and the secondary site equipment. Executive Director Ford stated that the building at the Sheriff’s Office will need to be replaced in the future and that it could possibly have a total cost of $10,000.00-$20,000.00. Executive Director Ford has been speaking to Southwest for this change to insure Jasco equipment at this tower site.
Surplus Equipment
Executive Director Ford stated that we have two 32 inch monitors and 22 inch monitors that need to surplus. She provided the board members with lists of model and serial number information.
Director Francis motioned to approve the surplus of the monitors. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Ford stated that the 6 Kenwood radios that were on the surplus list before have been cleared and are ready to be sold to Chief Creekmore in McDonald Co, she advised that Chief Creekmore will be purchasing them for $25.00 each. Executive Director Ford stated that she has told Chief Creekmore that they have had some wattage problems and might not work properly. Executive Director Ford advised Chief Creekmore that Jasco is not responsible if they do not work. Director Francis advised to give the radios to them and not to charge them.
Director Francis motioned to give the Kenwood radios to McDonald County at no charge. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Unfinished Business
Budget Amendment 2018
Executive Director Ford stated that the revenue for 2018 was $1,929,526.97. Executive Director Ford stated that we will be using some of 2018 budget for the painting project and completing the project with 2019 budget. Executive Director Ford stated that we will be replacing 3 keypads that had the rubber buttons, purchasing three 24 hour chairs for the communications room, a metadata interface license, quick book upgrade license, appreciation dinner, incident response team uniforms, hiring pamphlets, a banner for public education events, and replacing emergency medical dispatching card sets out of the 2018 budget. Executive Director Ford stated that if we can get the microwave up before year end then we will be using $223,933.65 under approved budget.
Director Francis motioned to approve the budget amendment for 2018. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Budget 2019
Executive Director Ford presented the 2019 budget with justification, a 3 year comparison of the revenue and expenses, as well as her budget message regarding trends and planning. Executive Director Ford did not include her raise in the 2019 budget. She stated that if the microwave does not get completed with the 2018 budget that the cost might be higher in 2019. Executive Director Ford reported they received more than the expected revenue for 2019, she stated that she used November and December 2017 numbers to get an estimate of revenue. She estimates that the overall budget for 2019 will be $2,118,265.00. Executive Director Ford stated that it is unknown what the TIF for Joplin will be, and that we will need to have recorder work done in 2019 and more IP licenses, so she has anticipated this while preparing the budget. Executive Director Ford stated that she may still be working on the CAD interface to the radio system in 2019 if it looks like it will help with efficiency. Executive Director Ford advised the board that we are scheduled for our audit in January 2019.
Director Francis motioned to approve the budget for 2019 as presented and to modify the budget to show that the Executive Director receives the same 2.5% increase in pay as approved for the support wage scale. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Payroll Change from ADP to Paychex
Executive Director Ford stated that we are making the move to Paychex from ADP in January 2019. Executive Director Ford stated that Amber and herself have been reviewing the company and believe that it will save the center a little over $800.00. Paychex also has a program called Fin Fit that might help employees with their finances. Executive Director Ford explained that the employees will download the Paychex app on any “smart” device and they can view their paystubs, w-2s, and access training that is uploaded to the program.
Executive Director Agreement
Director Wilson motioned to sign and approve the Executive Director Agreement with a 2.5% increase for 2019. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The board had open discussion about Joplin’s revenue being up 6%. The board spoke about legislation and how they need to collect tax for online purchases. They discussed how amazon charges sales tax on some items that are purchased based off of the address of the buyer. Executive Director Ford told the board that Kelly Dodge will be coming to Jasco full time in January 2019 and continue being part time at Carthage Police Department.
The meeting adjourned at 11:52 am.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8th, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2019____
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the_________________day of_____________________2019______
I, Carl Francis, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.