Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
March 5th, 2019
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Tim Wilson, Carl Francis, James Harrison, Greg Dagnan and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison, and Executive Director April Ford.
No Representing public
Review and Action of Minutes
Open minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on February 5th, 2019 were reviewed.
Director Francis motioned to approve the meeting minutes for February 5th 2019. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for January was received on February 7th 2019 in the amount of $164,654.37. We have not received the sales tax check for February.
Total bills submitted for approval today $53,958.80 The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $13,038.30. Accounts receivable balance is $715.91.
The money market account balance is $853,050.01.
Executive Director Ford advised the board that the Cable One bill has been received. Ford will be reaching out to Cable One because of a discrepancy on the bill. We did not go live with the company until February 25th. April will let the board know if we will be receiving a credit on the next bill.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford stated that she wanted to highlight in her report that she has just received notification from SBA Steel II, LLC that they will be taking down the tower at county road 110/96. Executive Director Ford has called and emailed the name and email on the letter, with no success. We have 180 days from the date of the letter.
Unfinished Business
Internet-Contract and Increase Static IP Addresses
Executive Director Ford advised that she is waiting on Missouri Highway Patrol before switching internet over. Executive Director Ford stated that David with Neotech has said that we should be up by the end of the month. Executive Director Ford stated that she spoke with Morris and he advised that we will wait and see how much more fiber we will be using. Executive Director Ford stated that we will need to up the static ip addresses by 5. David with Neotech has told April that we need 13 ip addresses. The bill will go from $19.95 to $39.95 a month. Executive Director Ford stated that we are on a month to month contract, but if it continues to be a good move then we can sign a 1-3-year contract. Executive Director Ford has spoken to Carthage Water & Electric, and they have stated that they will continue to provide service to us until we are live with Cable One. Carthage Water & Electric has stated that they will not disconnect service to the MDT’s that are connected either.
2018 Audit Report
Executive Director Ford advised the board that we have received the audit draft from Mense, Churchwell, &Mense. Executive Director Ford stated that there were no problems to report with the audit.
Director Stanley motioned to accept the signing of the audit draft, so that Mense, Churchwell & Mense can send the final printed audit. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
New Business
Security Pledge
Executive Director Ford presented the securities pledge held at the Country Club Bank as of February 8th, 2019. In the book amount of $2,349,380.00 and market amount of $2,265,251.73290. Executive Director Ford stated that the pledge is really and she is concerned because we are over insured. Executive Director Ford contacted the bank and they assured her that being over insured does not cost more.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the Bank Security Pledge. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Ford stated that the telex equipment is ready to be surplused and sold. Executive Director Ford stated that the workstations will need to be trashed. We will have 8 with licenses and the CPU software. Executive Director Ford stated that we will sell what we can and then destroy what we can’t sell. Newton County, Carl Junction PD, and Bates County are running telex. NCSO might want the IP224/IP223. Executive Director Ford asked permission from Chief Dagnan to surplus the IP224, Director Dagnan stated he approved the surplus of the IP224.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the surplus list. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Employee Incident
Executive Director Ford advised the board that we had an employee have an accident on the property.
Support Letter for SB 291
Executive Director Ford requested so see if she could send a letter of support to the Senate, and Governor for the SB 291. Executive Director Ford stated that the Senate heard the bill and that there is a disagreement. Cass County is going after exemption, and the bill is back on the floor for Senate. Department of Revenue will have to notify all of the businesses that sell pre-paid cell phones. They are also trying to clean up the use tax language. The Board read the letter that April had written and approved it to be sent to the Senate and to the Governor.
National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week Resolution
Executive Director Ford stated that National Telecommunicator Week is April 14th thru April 20th 2019, and we will recognize the work that all of the Jasco Team has done throughout the year. We will invite our agencies and board members to stop in and say hello. At the next board meeting we will have a list of food days and activities.
Director Harrison motioned to approve the Resolution for National Telecommunicators Week 2019 Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Brewer – Absent
Harrison – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
First Net LMR Extender with LTE
Executive Director Ford stated that Jasper and Sarcoxie Chiefs came to the demo that was set up at Jasco. Both departments seemed interested in the product and First net will be sending a quote. The departments are hoping to use LEST funds.
At 12:50 p.m. James Harrison stepped out of the meeting.
Executive Director Ford explained that you can use your phone as a radio with Wi-Fi. Jasper police department has stated that they could host the equipment. Jasper PD would buy the .99 cent phone and pay $41.00 a month for the service. They could use the phone like normal or for $20.00 they could just use it as a LMR. Executive Director Ford wanted to see if anyone else would be interested, and if so then maybe Jasco can buy one more radio.
At 12:53 p.m. James Harrison stepped back into the meeting.
Executive Director Ford stated that this might be a less expensive way to solve the radio traffic issues when the officers are not getting out on the radios. Director Dagnan advised that some police departments in England are using this product, he stated that he would do some research. Director Wilson stated to wait and see how Jasper and Sarcoxie like it. Director Harrison advised that Houston has been using the phones also. Executive Director Ford will keep the board updated and let them know how Jasper and Sarcoxie like it.
Fire East Tower
Executive Director Ford stated that we have been given a 180-day notice from SBA Steel LLC. Executive Director Ford discussed tower options with the board. There is a KAMO tower that is just inside of Lawrence County, and Avilla Fire Department has stated that we can go on their tower. The board inquired if the tower was for sale and what was the reason that they gave for pulling our equipment down? Executive Director Ford stated that she has sent an email and tried calling the number that was listed on the notice, but no one has returned her call. Executive Director Ford will go to the MoDOT tower at 23/96 or the KAMO tower and see if we could put our equipment on that tower.
At 1:03 p.m. Amber Madison stepped out of the meeting.
At 1:05 p.m. Amber Madison stepped back into the meeting.
Executive Director Ford stated that she is unsure if the 23/96 tower will help Sarcoxie Fire Department. Executive Director Ford stated that she will check with MODOT and see if there is enough room for us to use their tower. Executive Director Ford will explore the options and have an answer for the board at the next meeting.
1:13 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to adjourn. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________day of ______________________2019_
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman, _____________________________________________certify these
Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the _________day of_____________________2019_
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.