Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
May 7th, 2019
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Carl Francis, Greg Dagnan and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was OSC Amber Madison, and Executive Director April Ford.
No Representing public
Review and Action of Minutes
Open and closed minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting on April 2nd, 2019 were reviewed.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the open and the closed meeting minutes for April 2nd, 2019. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax check for March was received on April 5th 2019 in the amount of $161,704.26. The sales tax check for April was received on May 7th, 2019 in the amount of $143,458.34.
Total bills submitted for approval today $55,182.98. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $21,914.99. Accounts receivable balance is $862.09.
The money market account balance is $1,012,272.45.
Executive Director Ford advised the board that our next fiber bill will be split different. She will be in contact with Joplin to see how we will be splitting the fiber bill.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford highlighted that we are still waiting on the reverse payment from ADP. Executive Director Ford stated that we have completed our internet move and that we have had outages pretty much all weekend and all day. Executive Director Ford stated that with the recent problems she is not feeling comfortable in signing a 3-year proposal. Executive Director Ford stated that our Flex IP should be up soon. Executive Director Ford stated that Newton County Emergency dispatch CAD to CAD should be up soon. Executive Director Ford stated that she has been given a quote for a CAD to CAD interface with Mercy Springfield. The cost would be $15,000.00 for the first year and then $10,000.00 each year after. Once we purchase this interface, it would be capable of CAD to CAD no matter what CAD service was being used. Executive Director Ford stated that she will be working on getting a lower quote. Executive Director Ford stated that Neotech is still working to make sure that the Flex IP is ready. Executive Director Ford stated that Simpson Sheet Metal came out and looked at the HVAC. Simpson Sheet Metal located a leak in one of the lines and they are going to repair it. Executive Director Ford stated that the UPS has taken a lighting strike again. She stated that we need to have an electrician come out and see how we can keep this from happening again. She stated that the UPS is throwing 3 errors out and at this time DC Group does not know what is broke. April advised the board that the UPS is 11 years old and that it might be time to replace it. Executive Director Ford stated that we have been doing some spring cleaning. She stated that all of the old equipment that is broken has been tossed out and we have been selling some of the equipment. She stated that we have some monitors and speakers that are left over that are free. April stated that Amber will be checking with the libraries, and schools to see if they need any of the free monitors. Executive Director Ford stated that we will get medical alert information from RapidSOS now.
Unfinished Business
Avtec Radio Update
Executive Director Ford stated that the microwave for the second backup is being worked on, and that they are just waiting for the Webb City tower to be up and running. Executive Director Ford stated that we have been working on the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office tower and that we are waiting on Rex Capen to finish programming the Joplin radios. Director Dagnan spoke about different frequencies and FCC regulations not how the Webb City tower has not been registered with the FCC. Director Francis stated that the Webb City tower was installed in 2007-2008.
At 12:17 pm Mike Runnebaum entered the meeting.
Internet Move
Executive Director Ford stated that the internet move is complete. She stated that she is not signing a 3-year contract yet because of the outages. April stated that she is going to be working with Mark Morris to see if she can get the bill lowered.
Fire East Update
Executive Director Ford stated that she has the approval for testing from everyone and that we can do a 30-day trial on the fire east tower to make sure that we don’t interrupt Avilla Fire traffic. We would be able to take the Avilla spot on the KAMO tower and we would just pay for the installation. She stated that SBA will not take down the tower down until we have moved our equipment. Executive Director Ford stated that if Avilla has to stay on the MODOT tower then we might have to pay for a frequency for fire east.
New Business
Bank Security Pledge
Executive Director Ford presented the securities pledge held at the Country Club Bank as of March 31st, 2019. In the book amount of $2,349,380.00 and market amount of $2,303,321.51.
Director Francis motioned to approve the Bank Security Pledge. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Stork Awards x2
Executive Director Ford shared with the board that we will be honoring 2 team members that delivered a baby. Christi George assisted in the birth of a baby girl and Kelly Dodge assisted in the birth of a baby boy. We were not able to recognize them at this board meeting because they both worked last night’s shift. April stated maybe we could have a couple of board members come out during a night shift and recognize them. Director Dagnan stated that Woody with Carthage Police Department delivered a baby also.
HVAC Problems
Executive Director Ford advised the board that she is waiting to see what the bill is going to be for repairing the HVAC system.
UPS Problems
Executive Director Ford advised that the quote to repair the UPS is $22,968.06 and Mike is working on quotes for a new system. Director Francis stated to check with our insurance and file a claim with the insurance company because it has been damaged from a lightning strike. The board agreed with April that an electrician needs to come out and see how we can prevent another lightning strike. Executive Director Ford stated that this is the third time we have been affected by a lightning strike. April stated that maybe we need to move it inside the building and out of the maintenance room. Executive Director Ford stated that she will start an insurance claim. April request permission from the board to be able to move forward with repair or replacement of the UPS if the cost is under $50,000.00
Chairman Fries motioned to approve the purchase or repair of the UPS if the cost is under $50,000.00. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Ford stated that while at Navigator Jeff Fries spoke to Shawn with Priority Dispatch about Emergency Fire Dispatch and Emergency Police Dispatch. Chairman Fries stated that his concern was slowing down dispatch, and after talking to Shawn and seeing a demo, he realized that it should not slow dispatch down. Jeff stated that agencies that use it says it creates more trust between dispatch and the responders. Chairman Fries stated that officers are not trusting that dispatch is asking all of the necessary questions and that is why they keep keying up and asking several questions while en-route to the call. Jeff stated if the officers could see our protocol/report that we are using then they would see that we will be asking all of the correct questions. Executive Director Ford stated that it will also streamline our training. She stated it is easier for a new employee to look at a protocol and have the questions right in front of them and not have to guess. Chairman Fries stated that he thinks we should try Emergency Fire Dispatch first and then Emergency Police Dispatch. April stated that right now we do have questions built into CAD for law calls and fire calls that dispatchers can reference back too if they need assistance. Director Francis stated that he would like for April to reach out to the other agencies that we dispatch for and see if they would be on board with this change. Executive Director Ford stated that in the past the fire departments did not want us to buy it, they wanted more staff hired for Jasco. Chairman Fries stated that there would need to be training on both sides, so that the fire departments and law agencies would know what questions we are going to be asking and in what order. Jeff stated that some issues that he could see happening would be when the officer arrives on scene immediately. Executive Director Ford stated that Shawn Johnson with Priority Dispatch will be getting a quote together for our next board meeting.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for legal action, personnel records and evaluations and hiring, firing, disciplining and promoting pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (1) (13) (3).
12:39 p.m. Director Stanley motioned to go into closed session. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
12:55 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Fries – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
12:55 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to adjourn. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2019____
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the __________day of_____________________2019______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.