Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
November 5th, 2019
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:22 p.m., at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Tim Wilson, Carl Francis, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Office Support Clerk Amber Madison and Executive Director April Ford.
No Representing Public
Review and Action of Minutes
Open and closed minutes for the Board of Director’s Meeting on October 1st, 2019 were reviewed.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the open and closed meeting minutes for October 1st, 2019. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No Public Comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
Executive Director Ford explained to the board that at last month’s board meeting the financial report needed to be amended. April stated that we realized that Neotech was charging tax and shipping on one of the invoices that we had in the bills to be paid and approved by the board at the last meeting. When Neotech was contacted in reference to this charge they advised that they would send a new invoice without tax and there would not be any shipping charges. Executive Director Ford stated that the amended financial report needed to be approved as corrected. April then read this month’s financial report.
The sales tax for September was received on October 7th, 2019 in the amount of $158,958.55. We have not received the sales tax check for October.
The first deposit from the Missouri 9-1-1 Service Board for Prepaid wireless was received on October 28th 2019 in the amount of $36,014.15.
Total bills submitted for approval today $117,559.22. The Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $11,035.16. Accounts receivable balance: $3,654.13. (City of Oronogo, METS dispatching, and Joplin Fiber,).
The Money Market account balance is $907,524.90.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the previous financial statement as amended and motion to approve the current Financial Report with Payment of the Bills. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford stated that we are at 79.1% overall budget even though had a few things happen this past year, (like the lightning strike, overtime, HVAC problems). Executive Director Ford stated that we had an election polling place change. Executive Director Ford advised the board that we had the water cooler removed because it was leaking. April stated this should save us money each month. Executive Director Ford shared with the board that there are at least 11 different emergency apps that you can download on your phone. She explained that we testing the app called Noonlight, and was very happy with the information that was provided to us. Executive Director Ford explained that there are a lot of agencies using Rapid SOS now and that we have had success with Rapid SOS. Executive Director Ford stated that Asbury Fire Chief Don Polen called her and he was very upset with her since he said the Sheriff’s Office was not helping him. April went on to explain that he gave some false information, probably due to being so upset thinking that she had called Lt. Stoller during the last board meeting. Chief Polen said originally that Sheriff Kaiser was mad at him, but then corrected himself to say it was Lt. Stoller and it was later clarified through Joe Lair what happened. April informed the Board that she has offered to facilitate another meeting between Chief Polen and Sheriff Kaiser and Lt. Stoller and she will be present to take notes for Chief Polen so he will know what steps to take with his radio situation, based on what he is told by Sheriff Kaiser and Lt. Stoller. They are waiting for Lt. Stoller to return from vacation.
Unfinished Business
Avtec Update
Executive Director Ford advised the board that we are still finalizing the equipment that is on the tower, and we are still not paying maintenance until the problems Avtec is working on are resolved.
Fire East Update
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that she is still waiting on the comparison survey on the MODOT tower. April stated that this tower will probably be a good location for Fire East and for Sarcoxie and that she was told by Avilla Asst. Fire Chief Alan Martin, that JASCO will be charged $200.00 a month to use the tower, when built.
Equipment from Storm Damage
Executive Director Ford stated that the vendor told her that we could have to replace other HVAC boards. April shared with the board that the insurance company is saying they may cover the surge suppressors.
IP Flex Update
Executive Director Ford stated that we have been testing and were given a possible turn on date of Monday, 11/4/19, which didn’t happen since nothing has been confirmed yet and they are waiting for final approval from ComTech and schedule from AT&T.
New Business
ACH Transfer from Missouri State 9-1-1 Service Board-Pre-Paid Wireless Funding
Executive Director Ford advised the board that the pre-paid wireless funding went into our account like it was supposed to and April believes we will receive the distribution of the funds quarterly.
COLA changes and planning 2%
Executive Director Ford stated that she spoke to Director Francis before the meeting and he suggested to do a 2% COLA increase. April advised the board that doing a 2% increase would change the entire wage scale and then if the employee passed their annual evaluation they would get a merit increase as well. April stated that she will have this information available at the next board meeting.
Health/Dental/VSP- Insurance Renewals 2019-2020
Executive Director Ford stated that Health insurance has an increase of 5.4% this year. April stated that she has asked Beimdiek to get different quotes from Missouri Chamber health plan.
Director Francis stated that we need to check on the rates from the Tri State Coalition. April said that she will ask Beimdiek to research these plans for us as well. April explained the insurance increase form that was in the board packet. April stated that if we leave the plans that we currently have then we will not get them back. Carl and April went thru the plans and discussed the differences. Director Wilson stated that MSSU employees are self-insured and it is nice. Executive Director Ford stated that it is a nice plan for the employees that have been here a long time because they get $1,000.00 to go towards their insurance, but it is pretty expensive to the employees that cover their family. Executive Director Ford stated that the plans that we currently have, have better benefits when looking at the deductibles and out of pocket expense. The board agreed and they advised to stay with our current health insurance plans and take the 5.4% increase. Executive Director Ford stated that there is no change in coverage or price for Delta Dental. April explained the comparison sheet that had VSP and Delta Vision on it. She stated that she would like to have a motion for approval for her to go to the employees and poll the employees and make a decision based on what is best for JASCO and the employees.
Director Wilson motioned to keep the current Anthem plans and for April to poll the employees and make a decision on switching from VSP to Delta Vision, based on what is best for JASCO and the employees. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Building Changes-Harden West/North side or Expand and Harden West/North Side
Executive Director Ford stated that after the last board meeting some board members walked around the building and advised April to start looking at hardening the building for security purposes. April stated that she has contacted an architect in Springfield that worked for the Springfield Green County 9-1-1 Center with their build and invited them to look at the center and give us a quote on engaging to build plans to either harden to the FEMA P-361 specifications and/or expanding the size and hardening the building to the FEMA P-361 specifications.
Executive Director Ford stated that the quote for the dehumidifier is $5,500.00. This should take care of the mildew problem that we have in the EOC. The quote includes using the old duct work that we currently have. She stated this will be on hold until the decide on the building changes.
Executive Director Ford stated that she is also getting quotes on ballistic windows for the front office areas. April has asked for quotes on fixing/replacing the windows because the seals on our windows are broken and water is coming in. Executive Director Ford stated that she is also planning on the new parking lot with 2020 budget, and that the architects said that it wouldn’t be worth scaling back the parking spots. It would be best to have 19 spots with the current lighting, but she will look into scaling it back to save money. April stated that she also got quotes on the decorative bollards for the front of the building. April discussed with the board that Mike got a quote on putting the concrete blocks up behind the building to prevent vehicles from driving over our roof and into our center would be expensive. The board and April discussed that this was too much money and they discussed alternative options such as putting up concrete poles with a cable running through them like the highway barricades. April stated that the cables were suggested by the architect also. April is worried about the weather and she is concerned that a tree might come thru the glass windows if a storm comes thru. April stated that she will keep working on getting the quotes for this project.
Bank Security Pledge
Executive Director Ford presented the securities pledge held at the Country Club Bank as of September 30th, 2019. In the book amount of $1,926,433.95 the market amount of $1,958,798.22 and the current face amount of $2,349380.00.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the Bank Security Pledge. Director Wilson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Mapping Fees – Charges for Map Books and Printed Maps
Executive Director Ford advised the board that she would like to increase the price for providing these items to individuals/agencies. April also stated that she would waive the fee for our agencies that we dispatch for. April went over the price sheet that was provided in the board packet.
Director Wilson motioned to approve the change in price for the printed map materials. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Medical Loss Ratio- Health Insurance 2018
Executive Director Ford advised the board that Anthem sent our Medical Loss ratio rebate checks. April went over the rebate calculator that was sent over by Lorie with Beimdiek Insurance. April explained the percentage that JASCO was getting back and the percentage that the employees would get back.
Director Wilson made the motion to give the Medical Loss Ratio rebate check for the employees, back to each individual employees. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report:
Jasper County Emergency Services Board announced to close for personnel records to Mo. Statute Section 610.021 (3) (13)
1:05 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to go into closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:15 p.m. Director Harrison motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
Fries – In Favor
Wilson – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
1:15 p.m. Director Wilson motioned to adjourn. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
On the_________________day of ______________________2019____
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman _____________________________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________________day of_____________________2019______
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for _______________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.