Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
February 2nd 2021
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m. Meeting was held at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Vice Chairman Tim Wilson (via conference call), Greg Dagnan, Dan Stanley, Carl Francis, and Ron Brewer. Representing staff was Office Support Clerk Amber Madison and Executive Director (ED Ford) April Ford.
No Representing public
Review and Action of Minutes
Open and closed minutes were reviewed for the Board of Director’s Meeting on January 5th 2021.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve both open and closed meeting minutes for January 5th, 2021. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No Public Comment
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
The sales tax deposit for December was received on January 7th 2021, in the amount of $177,405.73. We have not received the sales tax check for January or February.
Total bills submitted for approval today $50,331.15.
The Checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $16,819.90.
Accounts receivable balance: $572.92. (Joplin Fiber).
The Money Market account balance is $1,297,027.37.
Director Stanley motioned to approve the financial report and the payment of the Bills. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Committee Reports- Chairman Fries advised the Board that the Service Committee had a meeting in reference to MOSWIN. Fries stated that the Committee is still asking questions about networking and checking to make sure that the system can handle the load. Director Ford (ED Ford) stated that some of her concerns include the issue with Jasper County Sheriffs Civil Department and Transportation units not being able to be on the system. ED Ford also stated that JCSO will be responsible for $560.00 a month for a circuit charge. We will be getting quotes for this and speak to internet providers. ED Ford will confirm all plans with the Sheriff. Chairman Fries advised the Board that the service committee also agreed to wait to have an election on a more definitive plan.
Executive Director Report
See Attached Report
Executive Director Ford stated that we will be responsible for contacting the businesses that sale prepaid cell phones in order to receive the sales tax. ED Ford also stated that she has a quote for outsourcing GIS. She stated it was over $30,000.00 for assistance with GIS and for some GIS training. ED Ford advised the Board that we had 6 employees receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Director Francis and Director Dagnan discussed their Covid-19 leave policies and situations that they have been facing, and Director Dagnan advised ED Ford to bring the Covid-19/sick policy to the next Board meeting for discussion and possible new changes. Director Dagnan suggested that we might change the policy to state that you would be covered if you receive the vaccine and still get diagnosed with Covid-19. ED Ford advised that she will add the policy to the agenda for next Board meeting. ED Ford mentioned that Sarcoxie City Fire Department is not answering when they are toned out for a call, and that she received a complaint from a law agency that Sarcoxie Police Department is talking too much on the radio. ED Ford stated that she will be speaking with both departments on these issues. ED Ford advised the Board that the Missouri Public Safety Communications Conference (MPSCC) has been moved to May 16th – 19th 2021. She reminded the Board that she will be receiving the Director of the Year award on May 18th. ED Ford stated that Carl Junction’s radio project is on hold right now. ED Ford reminded the Board that we have changes that need to happen to our phone system this year and that their financial disclosures are due by May 1st 2021.
Unfinished Business
Avtec Update
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that we are still having issues with the emergency button. April advised that Motorola will be coming to JASCO on Friday for a systems walk through, and she will ask them to look into this also.
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that Jasper County Sheriff Randee Kaiser has signed the contract for two consoles with direct connect. ED Ford stated that the AVTEC consoles that they will be replacing with MOSWIN consoles will be put to use for training, either in the training room at JASCO or at the training center in Joplin or in offices. ED Ford would like to bring a consultant in for this radio project. April advised the Board that she has a quote from a consultant for phase 1. Director Dagnan agreed with April, and stated it would be a good idea to engage a consultant when we are ready. Director Francis and Director Dagnan discussed the MOSWIN system and what that meant for Webb City. Director Dagnan advised that Webb City could connect to Carthage and stay on the NexEdge System. Director Dagnan stated that he is only considering MOSWIN so that his Department can talk to Joplin Police and Jasper County Sheriff’s Office. The Board discussed that they are concerned for the other Law and Fire agencies that can’t afford the switch to MOSWIN and at this time can’t move to MOSWIN until the system is built out and capable of having all of the Fire and Law agencies on MOSWIN. ED Fordstated that the goal is interoperability with Police, Fire and EMS, and to have the system paid for by some type of grant or other funding. The selling point for the consolidation would be interoperability. ED Ford had a meeting with Joplin and they discussed the consolidation. April will work on the feasibility report with Joplin and a committee. April advised that any approved project would be a phased approach. She advised with consolidation, they would qualify for grants that could help us fund projects. April will be working with Joplin to see what the cost savings would be if they were to consolidate with JASCO. April will get the numbers for maintaining the NexEdge system. Director Francis stated that he has the numbers for maintaining the NexEdge system and he will send them to April.
Building Maintenance/Expansion/Parking Lot Update
Executive Director Ford and the Board discussed the parking lot expansion. April advised that for phase 1 on the expansion we would lose 2 parking spots but we would gain 8 parking spots and put up a retaining wall. If we go with phase 2 then we would have a total of 42 parking spaces. April stated that she doesn’t want to move forward with phase 2 of the parking expansion until we see if we are going to consolidate with Joplin. The Board agreed and stated to go ahead and start working on an RFP for both phases of the parking lot.
Executive Director Ford stated that we are just waiting to see what we are getting back from the CARES Act.
CPE/9-1-1 Phone System Replacement
Executive Director Ford stated that we need to make decisions on this project, and that we might need to buy off the Springfield contract so that we can back each other up if needed. The support ends on June 28th 2021 for Solacom. ED Ford is speaking with Todd Karl with AT&T to see why JASCO can’t buy direct from Viper and connect to Springfield.
New Business
SMB Security Pledge
Executive Director Ford presented the securities pledge held at the Country Club Bank as of December 31st, 2020. In the book amount of $2,000,000.00, the market amount of $2,004,160.00 and the current face amount of $2,000,000.00.
Director Francis motioned to approve the SMB Bank Security Pledge. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Budget Amendment
- 60912 Scheduling, Timesheet and Policy Software- ED Ford advised the Board that we would like to start using the scheduling software Aladtec. It has the capability to complete timesheets, send out open shifts, assign shifts, and a free app. For $2,995.00 we can have up to 41 employees using it.
Director Francis motioned to approve the purchase of Aladtec and the amendment to the budget line 60912. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
- 61514 CPR Instructors and Equipment and Training Expenses
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that she would like to have two employees become Certified Instructors for CPR. April advised that it would cost about $1,000.00 to get two employees thru the course and to buy the needed equipment. April would like to certify Brandon McClintock and Kima Burnett. The Board agreed that this would be a good investment and advised that would could amend the budget at the end of the year for this expense.
- 61130 Systems Specialists – ZipRecruiter Applicants
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that we have had 3 good and qualified applicants for the Systems Specialist position, 2 in-house and 1 online applicant out of Springfield. April tried ZipRecruiter and on the last day of the free trial, she found that 31 applicants applied. However, it will cost $551.64 to get all of the applicant’s information from the website. Director Dagnan stated that CPD used ZipRecruiter and they didn’t like it and canceled the service. The Board agreed that Zip Recruiter is not necessary.
NexEdge – JCSO End of System Announcement
Executive Director Ford stated that the end of life for the NexEdge system will be December 2022 based on Sheriff Kaisers email, unless a catastrophic failure takes it down earlier.
MOSWIN Circuit and MOU
Executive Director Ford has been working with Bryan Courtney on the MOU, April thinks that JCSO & JASCO should agree and sign the MOU. April gave a copy of the current MOU to the Board members. April advised that the person that is paying for the circuit would need to be the one signing the MOU. The Board approved for April to set up an MOU with assistance from our Attorney Frank Foster, and Jasper County Sheriff Randee Kaiser. Once the MOU is complete April will bring it to the Board meeting for approval. The Board wants to explore JASCO paying for the circuit and having the Sheriff’s office reimburse us.
Wage Scale – Compensation past M
Executive Director Ford advised the Board that we have three employees that are passed the end of the wage scale. Kima Burnett, Mike Runnebaum, and Jeff Boyer are at the end of the wage scale and other employees will be at the end soon. April would like some recommendations from the Board for the employees that are at the end of the wage scale. The Board discussed different options that they do in their own Departments such as adding more vacation time, additional funds towards their retirement, or adding $.25 to their wage when they get to the end of the wage scale. The Board agreed to ask the employees what options/ideas that they have and April will check with Joplin Communications and see what they do when this situation happens.
At 1:33 p.m. Director Tim Wilson disconnected via conference call
ED Ford advised that she will come to the next Board meeting with a proposal for this. The Board discussed how much vacation time that April Ford has and she stated that she has a lot of flex and vacation time built up because she doesn’t use the vacation hours and she keeps track of her flex time to show her hours that she has been working. Director Francis stated she doesn’t need to be keeping track of her time. The Board agreed that they have never questioned the hours that she is working. The Board agreed that April works her hours and gets assignments done. ED Ford advised the Board that she will check with Joplin and see how they issue vacation hours and benefits. April also stated that she is concerned with how much it will cost for loggers, if we switch to loggers like Joplin. April advised the Board that she will check into Loggers and see what the cost/benefit would be for loggers.
1:45 p.m. Director Stanley motioned to adjourn. Director Brewer seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 2nd at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2021
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2021
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for ___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.