Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
September 28th, 2021
Chairman Fries called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Meeting was held via a conference line generated by the County 9-1-1 Center, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Jasper County, Missouri as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Fries, Greg Dagnan, Carl Francis, James Harrison, and Dan Stanley. Representing staff was Executive Director (ED Ford) April Ford and Office Support Clerk Amber Madison.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No Public Comment
Unfinished Business
Agreement to cover Joplin’s Costs with Reimbursement
Executive Director Ford explained to the Board that the City of Joplin has asked for JASCO to pay for the phone system and first year of implementation, installation, training and maintenance and then Joplin will reimburse JASCO for their part of the expenses, minus their portion of the grant proceeds based on the percentage of the project. ED Ford advised the Board that we have an original agreement that we have had in place from the same project and consolidation years ago, but this original agreement will be amended to meet the changes for this new project and she has already began that work with Frank Foster. ED Ford advised the Board that JASCO would be primary and Joplin Communications would be a hosted solution. April advised the agreement would state that JASCO would pay for the initial cost with Joplin reimbursing JASCO. Joplin’s grant award based on the project percentage is $92,500. April was notified that the Joplin Police Chief has the authority to sign the agreement since it is below their budgeted amount. She also advised the Board that the risk that JASCO faces would be if Joplin does not pay JASCO back their portion of the project for the first year and/or any year after for maintenance from year 2 through 5. ED Ford spoke to AT&T and Intrado and they have advised that if Joplin does not pay their part, that AT&T and Intrado will drop Joplin Communications from the project and revise the agreement with Jasper County Emergency Services as a change order if done before equipment is onsite. ED Ford has been working with JASCO Attorney Frank Foster on the amendment to the agreement.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve to amend the agreement and to cover the cost for the phone project with Joplin Communications reimbursing JASCO. Director Harrison seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
AT&T/Intrado Agreement for CPE Equipment
Executive Director Ford explained to the Board what AT&T/Intrado have agreed upon. ED Ford was able to get the price lowered for this project. JASCO’s total first year Viper solution project costs, minus network hardware and monthly charges is $270,701.37. Joplin’s total first year Viper solution project costs, minus network hardware and monthly charges is $159,218.15. JASCO received $250,000 in grant funds, $92,500 of which is Joplin’s portion due to the project percentages.
April requests for the Board to allow her to electronically sign the agreement with AT&T and Intrado. April will also have Chairman Jeff Fries sign a hard copy when she returns from Conference. April also advised the Board that we will need to do an amendment to the budget at the end of the year to account for the purchase with Joplin.
Director Francis motioned to give ED Ford the authority to electronically sign and approve the AT&T contract. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Director Francis asked for an update on the radio Consultant that the Board approved to hire. ED Ford advised the Board that she has quotes for two Consultants and she is working on getting a third quote. April advised the Board that she has also asked for Customer lists from each Consultant to ensure customer satisfaction. ED Ford advised that she should be able to engage a Consultant in October. ED Ford also advised the Board that Brian Harper with NRoute is bringing the MOSWIN radios for testing to the Center on Thursday.
12:23 p.m. Director Stanley motioned to adjourn. Director Francis seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5th at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2021
I, Jeff Fries, Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2021
I, Dan Stanley, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for ___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.