Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
June 24th, 2024
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Meeting was held electronically as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Harrison, Vice Chairman Alvin Peavler, Director Brandy Corum, Director Steve Weaver, Director Bill Hawkins, Director Jeremiah Norton, and Director Dan Stanley.
Representing staff –Executive Director (ED) Lisa McCool-Rataczak, Deputy Director (DD) Brandon McClintock, Systems Manager (SM) Steven Williams, and Operations Manager (OM) Amber Madison
Chairman Harrison turned over the meeting to Vice Chairman Peavler at 1:02 pm due to pressing business.
Representing Public – Bobbi Potarf from KSN/KODE joined at 1:25 pm.
Quote presented of vehicle on lot at Reliable Chevrolet in Springfield amount $46,560.00.
Discussion regarding vehicle quotes, Director Norton requested the quotes with VIN to be sent to Directors by email. Director Corum inquired if the purchase could be of a used vehicle. Vice Chairman Peavler requested to hold discussion until later during the meeting to discuss further.
Countywide Public Safety Radio System
Highway 43 Tower Site Microwave Dish Survey Cost
SM Williams advised that due to the Joplin Tower issues there will be an additional $18,000 cost for the microwave path study for temporary microwave ring closure using the 43 Tower. Director Stanley asked if there were any other potential locations for property purchase. SM Williams noted that Carl Junction Fire has a location and possible lease of property but the location at Station 2 may not work.
Director Norton motion to approve the 43 Tower microwave study. Director Corum seconds the motion. Vote 5-0 motion passes.
Alternative Joplin Tower Site construction
Director Stanley asked if SM Williams can send a map to the Directors showing the area of potential tower locations. SM Williams advised that he will email a map to the Directors showing the needed area of potential tower locations. Director Peavler asked, what are the options for a tower at Station 2? SM Williams explained that we do not have details about what type of tower would be needed yet or how tall. Further discussion regarding tower types and potential locations.
Bobbi Potarf from KSN/KODE joined the meeting at 1:25 pm.
DD McClintock advised that the 43 Tower is erected. SM Williams advised that there is the potential for the stack of the Sarcoxie Tower this week.
Joplin Tower Site Recommendation for Structural Study
The Joplin Tower study can be done with a letter stating pass or fail by video, the study will cost $750.
Tower Site camera bids
Director Corum asked for the Tower Camera bids. ED Rataczak advised that the Motorola quote during the initial bid the amount was in the millions. KCS bid $16,320.00. Net Watch bid $15,553.01. Director Norton advised that he found the same equipment on Amazon for $13,072.06. SM Williams advised that we could order from Amazon and possibly purchase direct through Axis for licenses. Director Corum asked if we can have that information available for the next meeting.
Director Norton motioned to table the discussion to obtain licensing information. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The purchase was tabled.
New Business:
May 7th, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes Amendment Correction to Southwest Missouri Bank Modifications
Director Peavler asked what changes are needed to amend the minutes from the May 7th meeting. DD McClintock advised that changes need to reflect the addition of Dan Stanley and Brandy Corum to the accounts.
Brandy Corum motioned to amend the minutes to reflect the changes. Vice Chairman seconds the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion to amend passes.
Vice Chairman Peavler requested any other information regarding the purchase of the vehicle. Discussion regarding sending information to Board.
Director Norton motion to table the vehicle purchase to obtain further information. Director Stanley seconds the motion to table. Vote 5-0. Discussion tabled.
ED Rataczak advised that the next meeting is scheduled for the Holiday week July 2nd at 12:00 pm. All Directors present confirm that they will be available for the meeting.
Director Corum motioned to adjourn the meeting. Director Norton seconds. Vote: 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 1:42 pm.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2024
I, Alvin Peavler, Vice Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for ______________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2024
I, Brandy Corum, Secretary __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for____________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.