Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
Chairman Dagnan called the meeting to order at 12:16 pm. The meeting was at Jasper County Emergency Services Center at 13870 Dispatch Lane Carthage, MO as per public notice. Present in addition to Chairman Greg Dagnan (CD), Vice Chairman Alvin Peavler (DP), Director Dan Stanley (DS), Director Steve Weaver (DW), Director William (Bill) Hawkins (DH), Director Brandy Corum (DC), and Director Jeremiah Norton (JN).
Representing Staff –Interim Director (DD) Brandon McClintock, Systems Manager (SM) Steven Williams, Operations Manager (OM) Amber Madison, Quality Assurance Coordinator (QAC) Ellen Biesemeyer and Office Support Clerk (OSC) Catherine Kho.
Representing Public – Don Melton Webb City Police Chief
Review and Action of Meeting Minutes
Open/Closed meeting minutes for February 5th,2025 and February17th,2025 30rd, 2024, were reviewed.
Director Norton motioned to approve the open and closed session meeting minutes for December 30th, 2024 and January 7th, 2025. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence – No public comment.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills – Financial Report and payment of bills prepared by OSC Kho read by Interim McClintock
The sales tax deposit for March was received on March 7th, 2025, in the amount of
$ 521,437.95. Total bills submitted for approval today: $66,458.86. The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be: $ 11,280.67. Accounts receivable balance: $0.00. The Money Market account balance is: $150,000.00. The Sweep Account balance is: $8,568,120.85 The Payroll Account balance is: $2,451.89.
Director Brandy motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Committee Reports –
CD Dagnan advised that today, March 5th, the hiring committee conducted interviews for the Executive Director position with the internal applicants that applied. After today’s open session, there will be a closed meeting to discuss personnel. If a decision can be reached, it will be added to the notes of the closed meeting.
Executive Director and Department Status Report – Executive Director report was read by Interim Director McClintock.
Deputy Director Report
Weather Preparedness Plan – DD McClintock advised the board of the plan that was put into place for the Weather Preparedness since the last Board meeting. DD McClintock advised that during active Emergency Weather Conditions (called for on radio from Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Road Supervisor and/or radio/phone from Mets Ambulance Supervisor), this plan would activate to pull the potential overflow from the Single Fire Dispatch Channel to other OPS Channels. DD McClintock advised that the Jasper Counties fire departments were sectioned into four sections and assigned their own OPS radio group to help lower the potential impact of traffic on Fire Dispatch Radio Channel. As well as thus helping to ensure that no traffic would be missed during this activation.
Billing Dispute – There is a billing dispute with Optimum Cable over at $346.00 bill. JASCO has not had any services with Optimum since late 2023, the bill was received on 02/14/25. Optimum is advising that JASCO hasn’t returned a list of items from 2023. DD McClintock and SM Williams are responding to the claims as the equipment is not on site.
Purchase Order Process – DD McClintock advised that the team created a new process for Purchase Order Request using Microsoft Teams – This allows employees to make request for approval. It will also track comments from the requestor and the approver. Utilizing Teams for Reimbursements allows the team members to submit photos for evidence from their phones and filling out the form. This has been going well, and the entry can then be printed with the proof by OSC Kho for billing and reimbursement proof.
ACE Compliance – DD McClintock advised that the team is has ACE compliance for EMD and is working towards ACE Standards on EFD.
ID Badges – DD McClintock advised that the team is looking into purchasing a ID badge maker to help elevate the need to rely on the Sheriffs Department for the new ID badges that is needed for the center. OSC Kho presented two options and information on the products for purchase giving the Board a couple of options for purchasing. Director Norton asked if the windows processing for the machines could be updated as it maxes out at Windows 10. OSC Kho advised that she would investigate models to see if any are able to be updated or are compatible for updated Windows processing. Director Corum advised OSC Kho to bring the options back to the Board at the next meeting for approval.
Systems Report
Countywide Public Safety Radio System
Radio System Console Outages – SM Williams advised that there was a 2nd Console outage on 2/9/25. This time the outage was about 26 minutes. The outage started at 0033hrs and consoles were live at 0059hrs. This outage appeared to be an ISP issue (ATT). Motorola was contacted but by the time they got a ticket in, the consoles were back to normal operations. There was also a 3rd outage on 2/28/2025. This outage was caused by a vehicle striking a telephone pole and causing the power to surge on and off. When events like this happen, the UPS bounces and confuses both the UPS and the ATS. Once power stopped bouncing the workstations that did go down were able to be powered back up and went back to normal function.
Director Norton inquired about if the outages could be fixed. SM Williams advised that not at this time. The equipment is installed but not active at this time.
Tower Site Updates – DD McClintock advised that there have been some changes made by both sides and is back with the JASCO attorney for edit review before going back to the City of Joplin. The first Project meeting will be on March 13th at 1000hrs. CD Dagnan expressed concerns for the need to have the timeline if rental contract is terminated changed as it doesn’t give enough realistic time for equipment to be moved.
Highway 43 Storage Building –
SM Williams advised that the materials for the building is expected to arrive on Friday March 7th, 2025. Construction is to start on Monday March 10th,2025.
Additional Radio Supply Request – SM Williams advised that the additional requested items for the departments where The numbers are currently at $987,034.77. Will need to add additional $5,200.00 for UHF in Portables (total), $76,044.40 for Fire DVRS , and $153,462.46 for Law DVRS. CD Dagnan advised that when this project was put forth, the expectations of departments coming forward every year needing more equipment was accepted. CD Dagnan the total numbers would be around 1.1 million dollars that are needed for the new budget of radios. CD Dagnan advised that the radio project is under budget so this number could be offset with the credits on the Motorola account. CD Dagnan asked about credits amounts on the account. DD McClintock advised that there are still some charges on the Motorola account that are being debated but the current credits are at $787,069.00.
SM Williams advised that the fire portables and mobiles have all been deployed.
DS Stanley asked for an update on the battery issues with Motorola Radios.
SM Williams advised that the batteries are an ongoing issue and Motorolas response was to turn off GPS and Bluetooth. SM Williams advised Motorola that this was not acceptable as those options will be used at a later date and the batteries are needing to be lasting the promised hour usage. SM Williams will replace the batteries as well as order extras for every radio.
CD Dagnan inquired on when this purchase needs to be made. SM Williams advised that it will be placed as soon as the Board approves the purchase. Director Norton asked if savings in the account could be used to offset the costs of the estimated $1.1 million dollars. SM Williams advised that yes the credit could be used to offset the costs but to be aware that Jasper Police Department and Avilla Fire Department hasn’t gotten back with their requests of equipment. CD Dagnan advised that an amendment to the budget will be needed. DD McClintock advised that the amendment amount will be $1,157,966.23.
Director Peavler motioned to approve DD Brandon McClintock to budget amendment agreement. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
SM Williams advised that he will meet with TUSA and Motorola and get the number narrowed down to be more accurate for the board. CD Dagnan asked that when that is found to send out an email to the departments to update them about the radios. SM Williams agreed.
New Business –
DC Contract Renewal – DD McClintock advised that the proposal for service 1 Year – $1,933.10 (possible increase following years), 3 Years – $1,933.10 per year, 5 Years – $1,933.10 per year. No change in price but the price will be locked in for those years and wont increase. SM Williams advised that the equipment is going to need to be updated in a few years so a longer contact wouldn’t be recommended as a new study will be needed. DD McClintock requested approval for the 1 year contract.
Director Weaver motioned to approve the contract renewal motion. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
KnowBe4 Contract Renewal – DD McClintock requested renewal due to the contract is showing training that is beneficial to the team as it has caught risks and has provided training to help mediate those risks.
Director Peavler motioned to approve KnowBe4 Renewal. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Policy Updates –
Whistle Blower – DD McClintock explained new policy points to the Board.
Director Stanley motioned to approve. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Requestions – DD McClintock explained policy changes to the Board.
Director Norton motioned to approve. Director Brandy seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Credit Cards – DD McClintock made requested policy changes to the Board.
Director Corum motioned to approve. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
YubiKeys – DD McClintock advised new policy due to issuing JASCO property.
Director Peavler motioned to approve. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
KnowBe4 – DD McClintock advised needed due to current use.
Director Weaver motioned to approve. Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Password Manager – DD McClintock went over new password manager and benefits compared to previous program allowing for better cyber security.
Director Weaver motioned to approve. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
DC Corum stepped out at 13:18 – stepped back in at 13:18.
Reimbursement – OM Madison described using GSA rates for issuing of checks for traveling team members. Changing the wording of Rental Insurance when renting a car is to be paid by JASCO and not by the employees. Removal of the Cell Phone reimbursement due to company phones.
Director Weaver motioned to approve. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
QAC Biesemeyer stepped out at 13:23
DD McClintock requested to change headers numbers without having to bring it back to the Board due to changes planned to clean up policies and handbook formatting. CD Dagnan approved of change of headers not needing to come back before the Board for approval.
Tusa Audit –
DD McClintock advised that this contract was asking for $15,000.00 for auditing of the 911 circuits, phone bills, and recommendations for upgrade – Submitted by TUSA.
QAC Biesemeyer reentered meeting at 13:25
DD McClintock advised that this would have TUSA reaching out on our behalf and dealing with AT&T to get answers and solutions that we are still waiting on from AT&T.
Director Norton motioned to approve TUSA Audit. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
QuickBooks Changes – DD McClintock read off the requests to change for the budget to accommodate new purchases and balancing of budgets.
Director Weaver stepped out at 13:34
Director Weaver stepped back in at 13:36
Chief Melton stepped out at 13:38
QAC Biesemeyer stepped out at 13:40
QAC Biesemeyer stepped back in at 13:43
Director Corum motioned to approve QuickBooks Changes. Director Weaver seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Bank Pledges – DD McClintock advised that a new pledge came in mail and needs to be signed for approval.
Director Weaver motioned to sign the pledges. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Amazon – DD McClintock advised that Amazon Business called on 02/27/25 and provided Jasco with 1 year of Business Medium Prime Access. The representative that spoke with OSC Kho and OM Madison was able to provide a $25,000 purchasing power for invoicing that is payable by credit card and/or check. This Prime Access will provide additional discounts for products that are in categories utilized by JASCO. OSC Kho provided packets as presentation on Amazon invoicing detailing the use of invoicing, pros of using the invoices as well as the utilization of business analytics which will come with the program as well.
Director Peavler motioned to approve using Amazon Invoicing. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
NTW Resolution – OM Madison read Resolution to the Board declaring the National Telecommunications Week to be April 13th,2025 through April 19th, 2025.
Director Peavler motioned to approve the NTW Resolution. Director Hawkins seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Account Modifications – DD McClintock advised that he needed signatures from:
MEC Resolution 2024-02 Review – CD Dagnan advised the Board to file if they haven’t filed and reminded the Board of needs to do so.
Waiver of Liability for Radio Equipment – DD McClintock advised that the Waiver of Liability needs to be signed. Director Norton reminded that the name of Lisa McCool-Ratazack will have to be removed from the Waiver. CD Dagnan agreed.
Election – DD McClintock advised that missing the deadline for entering for election. The Chair seat will be vacant for 24 hours before the Board can motion to reinstate CD Dagnan back into the Chair.
Next Board Meeting set for Wednesday April 2th at 12:00 p.m.
At 2:01 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to go into closed session for the purposes of discussing personnel related information pursuant to Mo. Statute Section 610.021(13). Director Peavler seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Roll call Vote:
Dagnan In Favor
Peavler In Favor
Corum In Favor
Stanley In Favor
Hawkins In Favor
Weaver In Favor
Norton In Favor
Staff left the meeting at 2:01 p.m.
Director Corum left the meeting at 2:34 p.m
Director Corum and DD McClintock reentered the meeting at 2:34 p.m
Director Corum left the meeting at 2:46 p.m
Director Corum and SM Williams reentered the meeting at 2:34 p.m
Director Corum and SM Williams left the meeting at 2:51 p.m
Director Corum and QAC Biesemeyer reentered the meeting at 2:53 p.m
Director Corum and QAC Biesemeyer left the meeting at 2:59 p.m
Director Corum and OM Madison reentered the meeting at 3:00 p.m
Director Corum and OM Madison left the meeting at 3:02 p.m
Director Corum and TCO Amanda Embrey reentered the meeting at 3:04 p.m
TCO Amanda Embrey left the meeting at 3:06 p.m
SM Williams reentered the meeting at 3:08 p.m
SM Williams left the meeting at 3:08 p.m
Director Corum left the meeting at 3:08 p.m
OSC Kho reentered the meeting at 3:08 p.m
At 3:09 p.m. Director Weaver motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Roll call Vote:
Dagnan In Favor
Peavler In Favor
Corum In Favor
Stanley In Favor
Hawkins In Favor
Weaver In Favor
Norton In Favor
Director Peavler motioned to offer the position of ED to DD McClintock. Director Corum seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
CD Dagnan advised that during the closed session the Hiring Committee has decided to offer position of Executive Director (ED) to Brandon McClintock. Offer will be at Step B on the Executive Director wage scale. CD Dagnan advised that it will be in effect immediately upon signing of the ED contract.
DD McClintock accepted the offer of the position. CD Dagnan advised that he will work with DD McClintock to negotiate the contract for approval. CD Dagnan will contact Media and accounts for name change of ED.
At 15:12 p.m. Director Corum motioned to adjourn. Director Norton seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion was adopted.
Next Board Meeting set for Wednesday April 2th at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2025
I, Greg Dagnan, Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency
Services Board Meeting Minutes for__March 5th , 2025_________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2025
I, Brandy Corum, Secretary __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency
Services Board Meeting Minutes for __ March 5th , 2025_________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.