Board of Directors Meeting
Jasper County Emergency Services
November 7th, 2023
Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order 12:03 p.m. Meeting was held at the Board office, 13870 Dispatch Lane, Carthage, MO as per public notice. In addition to Chairman Harrison, Carl Francis, Keith Stammer (at 12:04pm), Bill Hawkins (at 12:09pm), Dan Stanley and Greg Dagnan.
Representing staff – Office Support Clerk (OSC) Amber Madison, Interim Executive Director (IED) Brandon McClintock, Systems Manager (SM) Steven Williams and Training Coordinator (TC) Chelsea Finn.
No Representing Public
Review and Action of Meeting Minutes
Open and closed Meeting minutes for October 3rd, 2023, were reviewed.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the open and closed meeting minutes for October 3rd, 2023. Director Stammer seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Public Comment and Correspondence
No comment.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
Total bills submitted for approval today are $119,155.28.
The checkbook balance after payment of bills will be $36,874.81.
Accounts receivable balance: $0.00.
The Money Market account balance is $150,000.00.
The Sweep Account balance is: $6,658,780.85.
Director Dagnan motioned to approve the financial report and payment of bills. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. The motion was adopted.
Committee Reports
Director Dagnan stated that the Personnel Committee met, and we will be going into closed session to discuss the Executive Director position.
Committee Reports
See Attached Report
IED McClintock advised the Board that we did purchase a 2023 Chevrolet for $42,938.00. We intend to purchase and equip the vehicle with the remaining funds before the end of the year. Brandon advised the Board that we are out of ACE remediation for EMD. Brandon stated that Sarcoxie Rural Fire Department will be changing their badge numbers to a 1200 series to help with confusion on the radio.
At 12:09pm Director Hawkins joined the meeting.
Brandon highlighted that we had promotional processes that are now complete. Brandon reminded the Board that December 5th – December 26th is candidacy filing. Everyone is up for re-election, except for Chairman Harrison. The Board discussed moving the December Board meeting due to JASCO Administration being out of town for training and the EOC will be unavailable. Director Dagnan stated that we could have it at City Hall on the 2nd floor on December 1st, 2023.
Systems Manager Report
SM Williams advised the Board that a few studies have been done on the new tower sites. So far everything looks fine. MSHP tower is going up and we are preparing to re-wire consoles to be in the EOC.
Unfinished Business
Countywide Public Safety Radio System –
- Environmental Assessment Reports for HWY 43 and Sarcoxie Sites
Advised in the Committee Report
- Sarcoxie Property
Advised in the Committee Report
- Radio Rack Consolidation
IED McClintock advised the Board that Jon Ayres and his team will be at JASCO today, tomorrow and Thursday to complete the radio rack consolidation project.
- MOU TRS, MOSWIN, and Joplin
IED McClintock advised the Board that the MOU with the TRS Board needs to be signed and sent back. It has been approved by our Attorney. We are still waiting on the remaining MOU’s. IED McClintock also advised the Board that we received the quote from AT&T to increase to 100meg. The Board agreed to move to the 100meg and split the cost with Springfield Greene County.
- Financing/Interest on Equipment and Services not needed
IED McClintock advised the Board that we will have some cost savings due to taking off some subscribers/flashers.
- Console furniture replacement
IED McClintock advised the Board that we have Zybix (console furniture) scheduled along with paint and carpet repairs scheduled. Brandon also advised the Board that we have a new agreement with the Sheriff in reference to the Consoles that we purchased last year. Brandon advised the Board that he spoke with Brad Toliver about the Joplin tower site that Morris Straum owned. Brad advised that he would honor the agreement that Morris had with JASCO.
Overtime Compensation
Office Support Clerk Madison advised the Board that nothing has changed, and there is no cause for any concern of mistreating the temporary policy. The Board approved continuing the overtime compensation policy.
AT&T Disputes
IED McClintock advised the Board that we have two disputes out of the four resolved for now with AT&T.
SMB Sweep Account Changes and Signatures
IED McClintock advised the Board that on October 12th, 2023, we opened a Sweep Account. Since opening the account, we have earned $9,332.00 in interest. However, we will have to have all signers re-sign the account agreement. Brandon advised the Board that there is an additional monthly cost of $3.00 and additional charges for bill pay for the new accounts. However, the small charges will be minor compared to the interest that will be earned.
New Business
2024 Budget Planning
IED McClintock went over the budget comparison sheets with the Board. Brandon advised the Board that he completed a budget that would add a Deputy Director and eliminate 2 full-time and 1 part-time position, taking our staffing level to 37. Brandon advised and showed the Board the report showing that the average starting pay for our area is $18.19. Brandon advised the Board that by removing these positions and with the increase in interest from the new sweep account we would be able to sustain this increase in pay. The Board advised Brandon that they would not decide on wages at this Board meeting. Nothing was discussed or advised for Brandon to re-configure for the next meeting. Brandon also stated that we could save money if we purchased cell phones for the staff that currently receive a stipend for their cell phone. Director Dagnan stated that he would be against purchasing cell phones due to the liability of JASCO being responsible for maintaining text messages etc. also that they could be subpoenaed.
Carl Junction Police Department and JASCO Consolidation
IED McClintock advised that we went over to Carl Junction Police Department and are planning to be dispatching for them in May of 2024.
Emergency Police Dispatch Implementation
IED McClintock advised the Board that we had all of our agencies in attendance for our stakeholder meeting.
Frontline Public Safety Solutions
IED McClintock advised the Board that we had a demo with Frontline Public Safety Solutions. Brandon discussed the benefits of this program with the Board.
Director Stammer motioned to approve the $9,550.00 purchase of Frontline Public Safety Solutions. Director Dagnan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Bank Pledge/Country Club
IED McClintock advised the Board that Southwest Missouri Bank security pledge, being held by Country Club Bank as of September 30th, 2023, with a face amount of $7,405,000.00 and a market value of $6,619,234.80. IED McClintock also advised the Board that we received a second pledge from Country Club Bank with an effective date of October 10th, 2023, that has a face amount of $400,000.00
Director Francis motioned to approve both Country Club Bank Pledges. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Policy Changes/Updates
IED McClintock advised and went over the policies that needed to be updated. The changes were in reference to going to weekly pay, and additional benefits that were voted on in 2022.
Director Francis motioned to approve the policy changes and updates as presented. Director Stammer seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
At 12:55 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to go into closed session for the purposes of discussing the Executive Director position. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Harrison – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Stammer – In Favor
Hawkins – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
At 12:55 p.m. IED McClintock, SM Williams, OSC Madison and TC Finn stepped out of the meeting.
At 1:15 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to come out of closed session. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted.
Vote: Harrison – In Favor
Francis – In Favor
Stammer – In Favor
Hawkins – In Favor
Dagnan – In Favor
Stanley – In Favor
At 1:15 p.m. Director Dagnan motioned to adjourn. Director Stanley seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion was adopted. Meeting adjourned.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 1st, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.
On the________ day of ________________2023
I, James Harrison, Chairman ___________________________certify these Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.
On the ________day of_________________2023
I, Keith Stammer, Director __________________________ attest the Jasper County Emergency Services Board Meeting Minutes for ___________________________. They have been reviewed and are accurate.